Home » Not carrots but this is the food very rich in vitamin A that would help protect skin and bones

Not carrots but this is the food very rich in vitamin A that would help protect skin and bones

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Certain foods can really make a difference to our health and can bring a number of benefits that many of us would not expect. In fact, not everyone knows that foods contain substances and nutrients that can protect our body and give us well-being. Our health, of course, would benefit. All we have to do is inform ourselves, trying to understand the composition of each food we put on the table. Above all, after doing this, we should consult with an expert or our trusted doctor, to understand exactly what could be good for our body.

Not carrots but this is the food very rich in vitamin A that would help protect skin and bones

The first step, as we have already specified, is to know the composition of the food. We had already talked about this topic, precisely because it is broad and rich, in the past. For example, in our previous article, we pointed out a fish that could help keep blood cholesterol levels low. Or, in another article, we presented the beneficial properties of a particular fruit. Today we continue the list, adding another food that contains a fundamental substance: vitamin A. In fact, not carrots but this is the food very rich in vitamin A that would help protect skin and bones. We are talking about aguaje, a delicious fruit that comes from Central and South America.

Aguaje, here are all the properties of this exquisite fruit

The experts, in this case, present us in detail the aguaje. This overseas fruit contains several substances that may be of interest to many of us. Suffice it to mention, for example, vitamin C, which is excellent for the health of our skin. Or, the content of fiber, phosphorus and iron, certainly good for our health. Not to mention, of course, the vitamin A, present in this fruit in the form of carotenoids. Among other things, it seems that aguaje contains approximately five times higher levels of carotenoids than carrots. This means that this specific food can protect our bones, soft tissues, skin and finally the teeth.

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These are certainly, therefore, several benefits that we should take into account. However, an important aspect of this discourse must be emphasized. Although aguaje is a fruit rich in beneficial properties, we should consult our trusted doctor before adding it to our diet. An expert who knows our state of health to perfection, in fact, will be able to give us safe and concrete advice.


A really tasty fruit rich in antioxidant properties that could prevent eye problems and lung cancers

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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