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On the beach during pregnancy: valuable advice to keep in mind to enjoy the sea in safety

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On the beach during pregnancy: valuable advice to keep in mind to enjoy the sea in safety

Pregnancy is a magical period but the fear of making a mistake, especially in the summer, is great. Here are some tips for enjoying the sea.

During pregnancy, the doubts that haunt women are many: ā€œAm I eating well?ā€, ā€œWill doing physical activity harm my baby?ā€, ā€œShould I rest more?ā€, ā€œCan I make love with my partner ?ā€. In summer, then, there is the fear of making a mistake when going on holiday or to the beach.

Is swimming in the sea allowed? And get a tan? And what should you bring to eat on the beach? These and others may be the questions that torment pregnant women. Here are some valuable tips to keep in mind to enjoy the sea and your holidays in complete relaxation, even with a belly.

How to enjoy the sea while pregnant: advice and answers to doubts

Here is a small handbook of things to do and not to do on the beach with a baby bump, so as to preserve your own health and that of the baby you are carrying.

The advice that every pregnant woman must follow to go to the sea safely (tantasalute.it)

Who said a pregnant woman canā€™t get a tan? Itā€™s not like that at all, just that you have to pay attention to the times you expose yourself to the sun. The ideal is to go to the beach during the coolest hours of the day, so early in the morning and until 10.30-11. The hottest times are banned (from noon to 3pm) to avoid burns, dizziness and exhaustion.

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During exposure to the sun, even in the coolest hours, always use a sunscreen of at least 30, both to avoid burns and dark spots, which are very frequent during pregnancy. During the hottest hours, on the other hand, take the opportunity to go to the bar, restaurant or at home to have a good meal. Speaking of food, prefer light and healthy dishes such as a good rice salad, cold pasta, vegetables, fruitā€¦but donā€™t give up on a good, refreshing ice cream.

And, even if it seems counterintuitive, spicy foods can do a lot against the heat, because they help thermoregulation. It is also important to maintain the right level of hydration. This is advice that gynecologists give women for the entire duration of pregnancy, but even more so in the summer to replenish all the fluids lost through sweating. The advice is therefore to drink plenty, especially water and herbal teas. Avoid sugary and carbonated drinks and of course alcohol.

Are you bored on the beach with a belly? Not at all!

A pregnant woman can have a lot of fun on the beach. You donā€™t need to be under an umbrella or on a deck chair all the time!

What can a pregnant woman do by the sea (tantasalute.it)

For example, she can walk in the water or on the shore, activities which among other things greatly favor the circulation of the legs which can be heavy during pregnancy. For the walk on the beach, it is better to cover yourself lightly with comfortable cotton and linen clothes and wearing a hat, so as to avoid burns. As for the swimsuit, bikinis or one-piece swimsuits are fine. The latter help protect the belly from UV rays.

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The expectant mother can also go for a nice freestyle swim to cool off from the heat. This is also an activity that helps a lot the muscles and reduce the back pain that often afflicts many women. In short, pregnancy can be a wonderful time for a woman, even in the summer, at the beach, with these simple tips.

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