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once you discover them you will never do without them again

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once you discover them you will never do without them again

How to Sleep for a Healthy Sleep (Sportnews.eu)

More and more people suffer from sleep-related disorders, mostly these disorders are favored by the stress and frenzy of modern life, but other factors can also intercede in disturbing our rest and thus making our days longer. A human being sleeps on average for a third of his life, which is why it is easy to understand how important this practice is, however the practice of taking care of one’s sleep hygiene is not as common, which should be done in different ways e.g one of these, is without a doubt keep the temperature of our room under control. A warm bed can be inviting but if you overdo it, the consequences can be negative. To sleep really well, the cold is your ally!

Never above 18 degrees! If you sleep below this temperature the benefits for your body will be very evident! Right temperature in the bedroom (Sportnews.eu)

Very often we complain about not being able to rest as we would like and, even if we sleep the right hours every night, sometimes we don’t wake up energetic and rested. This is due to various reasons, among the most common we find the lack of a sleep routine the presence of disturbances during the night, such as noises coming from outside, but also poor physical activity or excessive use of electronic devices. All of these factors negatively affect sleep, promoting sleep “superficial” and therefore not very restorative. Even the temperature to which we sleep is however very important which is why it would perhaps be better to partially close the radiators in the bedroom so that it can reach a temperature range between 15 and 18 degrees. At these temperatures, in fact, it is easier to promote rest, due to the greater release of melatonin that will occur in our body and beyond.

Some studies have shown that sleeping below 18 degrees Celsius also increases energy consumption thus accelerating the metabolism and fighting the accumulation of fat, at the same time, however, the stress hormone will also be inhibited, with the result that awakenings will be more serene and peaceful. By sleeping at the right temperature, however, the general quality of sleep will be improved, micro-awakenings will be rarer and REM phases will be deeper, thus outlining the correct picture that should represent the right rest.

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For those who fear the cold at night in winter, therefore, it will be time to review their plans, the greatest dangers are in fact brought about by excessive heat which is why it will be appropriate to lower the thermostats and encourage our rest as well as saving on the bill and the health of the environment around us.

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