Home » OpeNet the Artificial Intelligence that runs to the aid of our GPs: who will be treating us?

OpeNet the Artificial Intelligence that runs to the aid of our GPs: who will be treating us?

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To help general practitioners, our dear family doctors, comes OpeNet, a platform created in collaboration between Net Medica Italia, Novartis and Ibm Italia, which allows you to monitor the patient remotely, guaranteeing him the best possible care, thanks to a real-time updating of medical records.

Openet AI for GPs

At the moment, as beraking latest news writes, it already is used by more than 500 doctors of general medicine from north to south of the country, and in the near future it seems destined to expand further. “Covid has brought to light the limits of the health care model adopted so far, based on the central role of the hospital – are the words of Nicola Calabrese, president of Net Medica Italia – revealing new needs for optimal management of patients, and in particular those with chronic conditions, and consequently new needs for the general practitioner. Digital technology represents one of the responses to this changed scenario, favoring an evolution in the doctor-patient relationship, in the role of the general practitioner in the relationship with the specialist “.

OpeNet, the AI ​​for family doctors (Photo Corriere.it)
OpeNet, the AI ​​for family doctors: this is how it works (Photo breaking latest news)


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OpeNet si integrates with numerous tools and management systems, and the platform is equipped with a virtual assistant who can provide the GP, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with up-to-date information on chronic diseases. Doctors will also be able to receive a notice when patient data meets predefined requirements. “With Openet – he added Pasquale Frega, Country president and director of Novartis Italia – Novartis offers an important digitalization tool that will make it possible to improve healthcare according to an increasingly proactive model of medicine, closer to the patient and more attentive to their needs. The pandemic has highlighted the need to transform the management system of the chronic patient. Digital in the health system can facilitate the evolution from a model centered on the hospital and with a silo logic, to one based on a systemic vision of healthcare, which can favor the development of a real initiative medicine “.

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Stefano Rebattoni, CEO of Ibm Italia, he added: “In the last year, technological innovation has shown that it can make a fundamental contribution in providing quality health services, in safety and sustainability. Supporting that continuum of taking charge, diagnosis, care and assistance of the patient, the founding pillar of an effective and efficient health system “. Rebattoni concluded: “The central element of this path are the data and information that technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, blockchain and the Internet of things can make available in a timely manner to all the players in the system, from doctors to patients. The Openet project is a concrete example of this type of solution. Those that the country needs to face the digital and transformation challenges it faces, and on which IBM Italia intends to provide its best and full support ”.

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