Home » Over 60, what to eat to strengthen muscles: remarkable results – Sportnews.eu

Over 60, what to eat to strengthen muscles: remarkable results – Sportnews.eu

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Over 60, what to eat to strengthen muscles: remarkable results – Sportnews.eu

After the age of 60, nutrition also plays a fundamental role, here are which foods to choose for toned muscles despite your age

Over 60 power supply (Pixabay photo)


Eat well and exercise regularly it’s important at all ages, but it becomes even more important when you reach 60 years old. In this stage of life, in fact, the loss of muscle mass and strength can be more rapid and this can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis, sarcopenia and frailty. But what can you eat to strengthen muscles at 60?

Nutrition after the age of 60, it will be necessary to be careful what to bring to the table!

The nutrition of the over 60s (Edi Gabriel from Pexels)

After the age of 60 our metabolism undergoes an inevitable change and thus the role of nutrition becomes even more important. Make sure you consume enough protein will be so necessary, proteins, in fact, are essential for the muscle synthesis and for the maintenance of muscle mass. It is recommended to consume at least 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day through meat, fish, eggs, legumes and dairy products.

However, the role of carbohydrates also remains very important, complex carbohydrates such as those found in whole grains would be preferable, they provide energy for physical activity and also helping to keep blood sugar levels stable for longer.

To postpone the symptoms of aging it will then be necessary to rely once again on the very famous acids omega-3 fatsespecially found in oily fish such as salmon or blue fish, these elements have anti-inflammatory properties and can help keep muscles and joints healthy.

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Finally, make sure you’re taking enough vitamin D and calcium in your diet will be another fundamental rule. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for healthy bones and muscles. Good sources of vitamin D are salmon, egg yolks and dairy products, which are also sources of calcium.

Generally speaking, however, for to strengthen muscles at 60 it is important to follow a balanced and varied dietwhich contains all the essential nutrients for muscle health but even more so exercise regularlyin particular sports able to give elasticity to the body and not burden the joints such as swimming, yoga and the bike.

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