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Pain therapy: there are numerous modern solution options

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Pain therapy: there are numerous modern solution options

The combination of methods seems important

Pain therapy: there are numerous modern solution options / editors mediportal-online

Lindenberg, April 28, 2023. In the future, modern solutions could help to better help people with pain therapy. The individual needs of those affected are taken into account.

Recent developments in pain therapy

Forward-looking solutions can be found in the context of ongoing digitization and advances in medical science. Three examples make it clear.

Apps can help manage pain better. This includes keeping a headache diary, for example, in order to be able to check how effective a therapy is. In addition to the digital training of the users, they help with the handling of medicines and warn against overuse. (1)

As in many other areas of life, artificial intelligence is making progress in medicine and thus in pain therapy. Meanwhile, scientists have created multiphysics models of a digital twin of the human body. Several hundred avatars based on real people have been created. This should make individual, personalized treatment possible in the future, the course of therapy better controlled and the dosage made safer. (2)

In so-called alternative medicine, there are exciting developments for modern pain therapy. A study has shown that treatment with frequencies reduces pain associated with cervical spine syndrome. (3)

The individual needs at the center of pain therapy

With all these developments, which open up new perspectives in pain therapy, it is important to focus on people and to take their individual needs into account. Health expert Michael Petersen recommends that this means combining the various therapy methods impartially for the benefit of the patient.

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Science has also recognized this. It is important to create an individual and multimodal pain medicine in order to give pain patients a better quality of life and to provide them with appropriate care. The professional discipline of a specialist in pain medicine would be desirable. (4)

Further information on pain therapy

Those affected and their relatives are looking for information about methods of pain therapy. That is why the health expert Michael Petersen presents various ways of pain therapy in his book “End with the pain”, from clinical measures to traditional naturopathic methods to modern energy medicine. He also comprehensively explains the results of the cited study, along with case studies and many other holistic solutions to pain.

Book data: Michael Petersen, No More Pain. Solutions for pain on a natural and energetic basis, ISBN 978-8-7083-8463-8, A review of the book is available here: Info page for the book.


(1)Treat migraines via app? What digitization can do in headache medicine, German Pain Society, Information Service Science (idw),

(2) Personalized medicine: The simulated patient, Empa ā€“ Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Science Information Service (idw),

(3) DRKS-ID of the study: DRKS00017381, German Register of Clinical Studies (DRSK),

(4) “Pain and care in dialogue” – new DGS podcast with Doc Esser, German Society for Pain Medicine eV, Information Service Science (idw),

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mediportal-online, M+V Media and Publishing Service Germany Entrepreneurship (limited liability)
Michael Petersen
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88161 Lindenberg

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