Home » Paraguay’s College of Surgical Physicians Condemns Increase in Medical Degrees and Questions University Quality

Paraguay’s College of Surgical Physicians Condemns Increase in Medical Degrees and Questions University Quality

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Paraguay’s College of Surgical Physicians Condemns Increase in Medical Degrees and Questions University Quality

In a recent statement, the College of Surgical Physicians of Paraguay has expressed its strong disapproval of the National Council of Higher Education (Cones) for approving the creation of four new Health Sciences courses in private universities. This decision comes amidst concerns over the lack of fields of practice and the quality of the universities offering these new programs.

The College of Surgical Physicians argues that the infrastructure in hospitals is not sufficient to support the training of medical students, casting doubt on the ability of these new programs to provide adequate clinical experience. The organization’s stance is supported by the Paraguayan Circle of Doctors, who have also raised concerns about the proliferation of low-quality medical schools in the country.

Meanwhile, Federico Mora, the president of Cones and vice minister of Higher Education, has defended the decision to approve these new programs, citing data from the Ministry of Public Health indicating that there are available spaces for internships in healthcare centers. Mora recently participated in an event organized by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, where he emphasized the importance of ensuring the quality of universities through institutional accreditation.

As the debate over the creation of more medical degrees in Paraguay continues, the focus remains on ensuring that students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for successful careers in the field of medicine.

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