Home » Physical activity day: 10 tips for feeling good

Physical activity day: 10 tips for feeling good

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Physical activity day: 10 tips for feeling good

Doctors say it all the time. Doing sport is good for you and, sometimes, movement works even more than drugs. Today is World Day for Physical Activity. The initiative, born in 2002 on the occasion of the 55th World Health Assembly to underline the importance of promoting an active lifestyle and the practice of regular physical activity, is promoted by the international network ‘AgitaMundo’ and supported by the Organization of Nations Unite (UN) as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 2024).

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“In line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), with the objective of the WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030: more active people for a healthier world‘) to reduce the prevalence of physical inactivity by 15% and with the objectives of sustainable development, the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (Aspcat) – recalls the Higher Institute of Health on its website – has created the decalogue of the 10 reasons to make your life more active and the poster of the Day, translated into Italian by the DoRS (Regional Documentation Center for the Promotion of Health of Piedmont) and downloadable from its website”.

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Here are 10 tips to have energy and feel better:

1) Start your day actively with stretching exercises and basic yoga positions;

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2) Practice a physical or sporting activity that you are passionate about to improve your psychophysical well-being;

3) Dance. It’s a way to move and express yourself;

4) Walk some time every day. Movement also helps control stress;

5) Train your heart and body with cardiovascular and strength exercises;

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6) Activities such as yoga or tai chi will help you regain the feeling of well-being;

7) Get around by bicycle or on foot as an alternative to motorized transport;

8) Play traditional, popular games that require movement in your free time. Involve friends, family or other people;

9) Laugh. When you laugh you move almost 300 muscles in your body;

10) Breathing exercises, meditation or mindfulness before going to sleep will help you rest better.

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