Home » Pope Francis admitted to Gemelli. Bruni: ‘In hospital for a laparotomy’ – breaking latest news

Pope Francis admitted to Gemelli. Bruni: ‘In hospital for a laparotomy’ – breaking latest news

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Pope Francis admitted to Gemelli.  Bruni: ‘In hospital for a laparotomy’ – breaking latest news

Pope Francis is at Gemelli polyclinic. The Pontiff entered from the main entrance, greeted by a small crowd of journalists and onlookers. The Pope’s car, with tinted windows, arrived directly at the building from a secondary passage, the same one used for the previous shelter. She was escorted by some blue cars from the Vatican and also from the Italian police. Now the Pope is on the tenth floor. In the same building is the gastroenterology department.

Pope Francis, the arrival at the Gemelli

The Pontiff at the “end of the general audience – the director of the Press Office of the Vatican said in a communication to journalists Holy SeeMatteo Bruni – at the Gemelli University Hospital where in the early afternoon he will be subjected under general anesthesia to a Laparotomy surgery and abdominal wall plastic surgery with prosthesis“. “The operation, arranged in recent days by the medical team assisting the Holy Father, became necessary due to an incarcerated incisional hernia that is causing recurring, painful and worsening sub-occlusive syndromes. The hospitalization at the health facility will last several days to allow for the normal post-operative course and full functional recovery”.


“You have seen the press release, I believe there are no other words to add. We follow it with our affection – so Cardinal Pietro Parolin replied to journalists on the Pope’s state of health -, we follow him with our prayers, hoping that everything will be resolved as soon as possible and that he will return to the exercise of his ministry”. When asked if he was worried, he replied: “I don’t know what to say because I have no elements to say one way or the other. It seemed to me that the press release was trying to say things in a very technical way, which perhaps isn’t even that easy to understand, but to give the elements that allow us to frame the problem”.

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Il surgeon Alfieri will operate on the Pope, it is the second time.

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