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Post workout protein supplements: how much to take and dosage

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Post workout protein supplements: how much to take and dosage

Protein Supplements: Do They Actually Work?

The use of protein supplements has long been a topic of debate, particularly among athletes. The question of their effectiveness and the correct way to use them after a workout has left many people confused. To shed some light on the matter, Gazzetta Active sat down with Dr. Roberto Scrigna, a nutritional biologist specializing in combat sports.

Dr. Scrigna was quick to clarify that protein powders and supplements are not essential, but rather, useful and versatile. “They allow you to easily reach the daily protein quota, which in some cases must be high,” he explained. This is particularly important for athletes who have higher protein requirements due to their rigorous training regimens.

However, Dr. Scrigna emphasized that individuals should strive to meet their protein needs through a balanced diet first and foremost. Supplements should only be used to fill in the gaps where necessary. “A well-balanced diet that includes lean meats, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based sources of protein should be the primary source of protein intake,” he advised.

The timing of protein supplementation is also crucial. “After a workout, the body is in a state where it is particularly receptive to protein intake,” Dr. Scrigna noted. “Therefore, consuming a protein shake or supplement within the first 30 minutes to an hour after exercise can help in muscle recovery and growth.”

It’s essential to remember that protein supplements are not a magical solution. They should be used in conjunction with a proper diet and training program to see optimal results. Dr. Scrigna also warned against overconsumption of protein, as it can lead to adverse health effects.

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In conclusion, protein supplements can be a valuable tool for meeting increased protein needs, especially for athletes. However, they should be used judiciously and as a supplement to a well-rounded diet. As always, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before making any significant changes to your dietary regimen.

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