Home » Preventing heart attacks and strokes with nutrition is possible: the 6 foods allied to health according to researchers

Preventing heart attacks and strokes with nutrition is possible: the 6 foods allied to health according to researchers

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Preventing heart attacks and strokes with nutrition is possible: the 6 foods allied to health according to researchers

A healthy diet, containing some essential foods, can effectively prevent heart attack and stroke.

Nutrition plays a decisive role in human health. We are not just talking about the figure, but about real benefits on internal organs. Currently, the number of heart attacks and strokes is on the rise. More and more people are having to deal with the consequences of these dangerous diseases. Furthermore, the age of onset has also decreased. Previously, they were only considered a problem in the elderly, but recent studies have shown that this is marginal.

Obviously, there are causes about which very little can be done. For example, when one is familiar with the diseases in question, the influence of genetics should not be underestimated. Despite this, research has identified 6 foods which, if consumed frequently, can really avoid experiencing similar episodes.

Stroke and heart attack can be defeated at the table: here are the foods to prefer

Stroke and heart attack are two different pathologies. The first affects the brain, while the second is linked to the cardiovascular system. Despite this, these are two truly dangerous events which, under no circumstances, should be overlooked. In the most serious cases, in addition to causing permanent damage to the person, they can even lead to death. With nutrition, both can be prevented.

Defeat stroke and heart attack with 6 foods – tantasalute.it

It is enough to follow a few small precautions to obtain great benefits. Scholars from McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences have discovered that there are 6 foods which cannot be missing from your diet. They can be cooked in different ways, so as to make them palatable even for the most demanding palates.

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Here is the list of foods:

Fruit: two or three servings a day. It contains many antioxidants and nutrients essential for the human body. By eating seasonal fruits, it is possible to make a feast of essential vitaminsVegetables: two or three servings a day. It regulates various functions of the body, such as those of the gastrointestinal systemLegumes: two to three servings per week. They have positive effects on blood pressure and are able to fight bad cholesterolNights: one serving per day. They lower blood pressure and promote the functioning of the nervous systemPesce: two or three portions a week. It is rich in Omega 3, calcium and sodium. It also provides a satisfactory supply of vitaminsWhole milk products: two servings a day. They are often demonized, but their consumption, in adequate quantities, leads to unsuspected benefits thanks to the presence of calcium.

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