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preventing it decreases the risk of stroke

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preventing it decreases the risk of stroke

Diabetes is dangerous for the body’s health, preventing it helps reduce the risk of stroke. Here because.

Diabete (Pexels)

Usually thestroke it is associated with causes such as hypertension, extra pounds, stress and high cholesterol. However, sometimes diabetes-related metabolic alterations may be the cause of the increased risk. Diabetes can cause a certain type of injury that causes the brain to not get the right supply of oxygen. In Italy, at least 4 million people suffer from diabetes and for the most part, type 2.

Il diabetes it is therefore a factor to keep under control, and it is important to keep blood sugar values ​​at bay, if you also want to reduce the risk of having a stroke. Diabetes, arterial fibrillation, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, sedentary lifestyle and smoking, under all risks that compromise heart health. To counter this, a change must be made in lifestyle.

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Reduce the risk of stroke by preventing diabetes

preemptively hit
Ictus (AdobeStock)

With diabetes you have a lot of sugars elevated in the blood. These make it difficult for blood to pass through veins and arteries, consequently causing an accumulation of plaques on the parts of the blood vessels. Progressively, this phenomenon generates thickenings called atherosclerotic plaques. These plaques then affect the blood flow causing problems for the body. In Italy, there are about 15,000 people affected by stroke every year. A fairly important number, which could be reduced with a few tricks.

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Fare prevention it is important, not only because diabetes is a dangerous pathology for the whole organism but because it can cause other problems such as stroke, which have fatal or disabling consequences. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to change one’s lifestyle and an early diagnosis. It sure helps:

  • Do blood tests once a year (blood sugar and cholesterol);
  • Maintain a healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat and alcohol;
  • Stop smoking;
  • Playing sports.

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