Home » Preventing osteoarthritis: Proven strategies and tips

Preventing osteoarthritis: Proven strategies and tips

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Preventing osteoarthritis: Proven strategies and tips

FOCUS online health editorial team

Would you like to prevent osteoarthritis and are you looking for practical tips? This article informs you about the prevention of osteoarthritis and offers valuable suggestions for a healthy joint life.

The first step to preventing osteoarthritis: regular exercise

Regular exercise is important to prevent osteoarthritis. Sports that are gentle on the joints such as swimming, hiking and cycling are particularly recommended. However, high-intensity sports with a high risk of injury should be avoided.

Relieving pressure on joints: bandages, bandages and nutrition

Aids such as elastic bandages, soft shoe soles and crutches can be helpful to relieve the joints. Excess weight should be reduced through a balanced diet and sufficient exercise to relieve pressure on the joints.

The role of diet in preventing osteoarthritis

Another important factor is diet. An anti-inflammatory diet that is rich in salt, vegetables and fruit (fiber), good fats (omega-3 fatty acids) and low in animal foods, sweets and white flour products can not only help prevent it, but also in the event of illness Reduce pain.

Main factors that increase the risk of osteoarthritis

Factors such as increasing age, excessive and incorrect strain, metabolic diseases and injuries increase the risk of osteoarthritis. However, the presence of these factors does not necessarily mean that you have osteoarthritis.


You can minimize the risk of developing osteoarthritis through proven strategies such as low-impact exercise, exercises to strengthen adjacent muscles and ligaments, and healthy weight management and a balanced diet. Start prevention now and start a life with healthy joints!

Important NOTE: This is general information only. We do not claim to be complete. If you suspect osteoarthritis, please consult a doctor. This information can never replace the advice of a doctor.

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