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Prevention: the guide to protecting you and your family

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Prevention: a word that we often hear and pronounce when our health is at stake, but also that of our children, parents and all fragile people suffering from pathologies. Especially in this period, it is important not to forget the good ones habits of prevention and establish new ones.

To better protect our health it is useful to consult the National Vaccine Prevention Plan, a document of the Ministry of Health that defines the primary objectives of the National Health System. The cornerstone is access to free vaccinations. Let’s see what they are and how they contribute to preventing the health of the entire Italian population.

Free vaccinations: a safeguard for health in the different moments of our life

The National Vaccine Prevention Plan indicates numerous vaccinations in the pediatric range, such as hexavalent, meningococcal, measles, rubella, chicken pox and mumps.

What are the vaccinations for the elderly over 65 years of age? Here are the main ones:

  1. Anti-flu
  2. Anti-pneumococcica
  3. Anti Herpes Zoster
  4. Recall Tetanus-Pertussis-Diphtheria

In addition, these vaccinations can also help younger subjects suffering from diseases and conditions that classify them as fragile subjects. Fragile subjects: because prevention is even more important

Between frail people it is necessary to consider, not only the elderly but also subjects who have an increased risk of contracting the infectious diseases as they live with chronic diseases, which can, therefore, weaken the immune system.

In particular, it is considered “Subject to risk”:

  • Chronic heart disease
  • Chronic respiratory diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Kidney disease
  • Chronic hepatic disorders
  • Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency
  • Anatomic or functional asplenia
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These people must strictly follow the National Vaccine Prevention Plan. In fact, the risk is to be more predisposed to bacterial and viral infectious diseases, and for many of them also like Herpes Zoster.

Herpes Zoster: what it is and how to prevent it

Commonly known as fire of saint Anthony, l’Herpes Zoster it is a disease caused by the chickenpox virus which reactivates after a state of quiescence. It is a painful disease, which causes vesicular rashes especially in the chest and trunk and which can last even 6 months-1 year with serious side effects. Some satellite lesions may appear in other locations besides the trunk and others symptoms such as: fever, headache, stomach upset and burning of the injured skin.

In addition, this pathology can lead to serious complications:

  1. Post-herpetic neuralgia. Very severe pain that lasts for at least 90 days (but can become chronic for the patient’s entire life) accompanied by intense itching.
  2. Ramsay Hunt syndrome: infection causing facial paralysis and hearing loss.
  3. Eye infection and vision loss
  4. Bacterial infection of skin lesions
  5. Inflammation of the lungs, liver, meninges, brain

L’incidence is related to age: ranging from 2-3 cases per 1,000 people per year in the population aged 20-50, up to 6-7 per 1,000 people per year in the 70-80 age group. Epidemiological studies say that the 25% of subjects will experience a shingles episode during his lifetime. As the risk of contracting this disease and its severity (up to death) increase with age, the vaccination it is the instrument of choice to avoid and prevent it.

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Vaccinations: where to find out?

One’s doctor is the first and most important information channel to understand which vaccinations to face.

Furthermore, to inquire about topics related to prevention e vaccinations it is essential to rely on reliable sources, such as the official portals of the Ministry of Health or the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, but also the municipal sites dedicated to vaccinations and those of the local health authorities.

Finally, to get more information on prevention and on the health protection you can consult the site Prevention has no age where there is also a list of specific vaccinations for each person at risk.


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