Home » Prof. Lothar H. Wieler guest in the HPI podcast “Neuland”

Prof. Lothar H. Wieler guest in the HPI podcast “Neuland”

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Prof. Lothar H. Wieler guest in the HPI podcast “Neuland”

HPI Hasso Plattner Institute

Potsdam (ots)

It is his first long interview in his new function: Prof. Lothar H. Wieler, head of the Digital Global Public Health department and spokesman for the Digital Health Cluster at the Hasso Plattner Institute, talks about his motivation, his plans and his goals HPI. In the knowledge podcast “Neuland”, the former President of the Robert Koch Institute also reports on his experiences during the pandemic – and what lessons he draws from this time for the future: “I think a lot about how crises can be dealt with even better in the future can manage.”

“We have seen during the pandemic that digital solutions can really make a difference,” says Prof. Wieler. The problem: in Germany there is a lot of data in the healthcare system, but it is not easy to evaluate. “Because this data is in silos, it has to be laboriously collected.” Other countries in Europe are further along at this point. “Denmark, for example, has the same general data protection regulation as us – but the data is much more available there.” The prospect of being able to conduct well-founded research into the opportunities and risks of digitization in healthcare was ultimately one of the reasons Prof. Wieler switched to the Hasso Plattner Institute.

In an interview with HPI editor-in-chief Leon Stebe, Prof. Wieler also talks about artificial intelligence: “We cannot stop AI. It makes much more sense to steer this development in the right direction and that we really make sure that that the applications make sense and serve people.” This innovation shouldn’t just be driven commercially. “Artificial intelligence has such disruptive potential that we need rules here.” Specifically, Prof. Wieler names the problem that AI applications in medicine can learn and reinforce existing discrimination. There is also a risk that the countries of the Global South will hardly benefit from the advances made by AI in the health sector. “We must not exacerbate inequality through digitization.”

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Prof. Wieler deliberately gave his inaugural lecture at the HPI the title “There is Glory in Prevention”. Although prevention is sometimes boring, it can make a huge difference – both in the fight against infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases such as cancer or diabetes. “It’s exhausting for a lot of people, it’s slow-acting, it’s not a disruptive innovation, but it’s one of the most sensible approaches we have in medicine.” If prevention is successful, it can improve society and increase life expectancy. Digital tools can also help here.

The complete interview with HPI Professor Lothar H. Wieler is available in the current episode of the HPI knowledge podcast “Neuland” entitled: “The Future of Digital Global Public Health” – available now on all podcast platforms or directly here:

Well-founded knowledge about the digital world, explained clearly and understandably – that’s what the knowledge podcast “Neuland” offers with experts from the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) at: on iTunes and Spotify. Once a month at Neuland they talk about current and socially relevant digital topics, their research work and the opportunities and challenges of digital trends and developments.

Brief profile of the Hasso Plattner Institute

The Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam is Germany’s university excellence center for digital engineering (with the bachelor’s degree “IT Systems Engineering”, the joint digital engineering faculty of the HPI and the University of Potsdam offers a Germany-wide unique and particularly practical engineering computer science course, which is currently being used by around 800 students.In the five master’s courses “IT Systems Engineering”, “Digital Health“, “Data Engineering”, “Cybersecurity” and “Software Systems Engineering” you can set your own research priorities based on this The HPI always occupies top positions in the CHE university rankings. The HPI School of Design Thinking, Europe’s first innovation school for students based on the model of the Stanford d.school, offers 300 places for additional studies every year. There are currently 22 professors at the HPI as well as over 50 other guest professors, lecturers and lecturers. It conducts excellent university research – in its IT departments, but also in the HPI Research School for doctoral students with its research branches in Cape Town, Irvine, Haifa and Nanjing. HPI teaching and research focus on the basics and applications of large, highly complex and networked IT systems. In addition, there is the development and research of user-oriented innovations for all areas of life.

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Press contact:

Press contact: [email protected]
Leon Stebe, Tel. 0331 5509-471, [email protected] and
and Joana Bussmann, Tel. 0331 5509-375, [email protected]

Original content from: HPI Hasso Plattner Institute, transmitted by news aktuell

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