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Quick protein bread like from the bakery for a protein boost

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A protein bread is not only incredibly tasty because it is usually full of delicious seeds. Itā€™s also healthy because its high protein content means it fills you up better and for longer. Both children in the growing phase also benefit from proteins, as do fitness enthusiasts for building muscle. How can you bake quick protein bread like from a bakery?

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The variants are in principle numerous. Some rely on quark and cottage cheese as ingredients, others on yogurt. Sometimes carrots find their way into protein bread and sometimes even protein powder.

Recipe without flour and eggs, with yogurt and dried fruits

Those: @tastespellcom/ Instagram

If you want it to be a little fruity, dried fruits are a great idea. Cranberries are particularly suitable because they are still juicy and sweet and sour even when dried.

500 g yogurt 300 g oat flakes 50 g dried cranberries 50 g sunflower seeds 50 g pumpkin seeds 1 tsp baking soda Ā½ tsp salt 2 tsp honey Source: @tastespellcom/ Instagram

Prepare quick protein bread like a bakery without yeast:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Since you donā€™t use yeast, you donā€™t need to allow time for the dough to rise. Instead, add all the ingredients directly into a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon or spatula. Grease a bread pan. Distribute the dough evenly in the pan. Bake the bread for about 45 minutes.

Vegan, sweet protein bread with fruits

Source: @amandabisk/ Instagram

If you want it to be sweet and not savory, this protein bread recipe is perfect for a treat that will provide you with a whopping 30 grams of protein per slice. Only ingredients of plant origin are used.

80 g walnuts 120 g almonds 250 g dried fruits of your choice (e.g. cranberries, raisins, crushed dates) 240 g flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 pinch of salt 2 tbsp coconut blossom sugar 60 ml orange juice 180 ml water 3 tbsp vegan protein powder 50 ml olive oil 145 g seed mix optional 30 g fresh raspberries (or frozen) another 145 g seeds for sprinkling Source: @amandabisk/ Instagram

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Itā€™s so easy to prepare vegan protein bread without eggs:

Place all ingredients (except the raspberries) in a bowl. Mix bread dough with a wooden spoon. Grease a bread pan and pour the dough into it. Press it lightly. Spread the raspberries on top and sprinkle with more seeds (these will become the base of the bread). Bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 180 degrees (preheated).

Quick protein bread like from the bakery with yeast and quark

Photo: Tanya Dol/ Shutterstock

If you like it the classic way with yeast, you donā€™t have to plan a lot more time. You can also work quite quickly with bakerā€™s yeast, as this recipe for protein bread proves. You need the following ingredients for the protein bread with quark:

1 cup of water 11 g dry yeast 300 g wholemeal flour or oat flakes 150 g almond flour 50 g quark or ricotta 40 g each of ground linseed, chia, sunflower seeds and oat flakes 1 pinch of salt Pumpkin seeds for sprinkling Source: @greenalitas/ Instagram

How to make the protein bread recipe with quark:

Mix the yeast with the water and set it aside for now. Place the remaining dry ingredients, except the flour, in a mixing bowl and mix well. Stir in the yeast water and mix well. Now add the quark and, after stirring thoroughly, the wholemeal flour in two portions. Let the dough rest covered for half an hour so that the yeast can rise. Grease a bread pan (or use a silicone mold) and spread the dough into it. Sprinkle with a few pumpkin seeds. Bake the bread in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Frequently asked questions about protein bread

Foto: Konmac/ Shutterstock

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Can you freeze protein bread?

However! This means you can prepare twice the amount and freeze one of the two breads for storage. To do this, you should let it cool well and preferably cut it into slices. This means you can divide it into portions and defrost as many sandwiches in the toaster as you need.

Even supposedly healthy food loses this quality if you overdo it. The same applies here: As part of a balanced diet, the bread is definitely healthy, as the many seeds provide many nutrients and the proteins are not only beneficial for physically active people.

Photo: Lyudmila Zavyalova/ Shutterstock

Is it suitable for losing weight?

In general, if you want to lose weight, you have to go into a calorie deficit. This means that you should consume fewer calories than your body uses. Seen this way, losing weight with protein bread through some magical fat burning is not possible. What it can do, however, is keep you full for a longer period of time due to the proteins, preventing snacking between meals. In addition, sufficient protein is essential for building muscle and more muscle also consumes more calories (even when resting).

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