Home » Reduce calories to slow down the aging of the immune system

Reduce calories to slow down the aging of the immune system

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Reduce calories to slow down the aging of the immune system

Until now you have always wanted to lose weight for an aesthetic question to be satisfied in the short term, but what if I told you instead that reducing calories is also the best way to slow down the aging of the immune system? And it’s not just me saying that, a study testifies.

Fight against germs and bacteria (Pixabay)


We all want to stay healthy for a long time. And to make the desire come true, it can certainly be useful to slow down the aging of the immune system. But how to do?

On the other hand, we all want to know the recipe for long life, which certainly involves an immune system forte and able to cope with any diseases and complications. A solution apparently there is and the answer comes directly from a studio.

It is possible to slow down the aging of the immune system, a study reveals how

high immune system
Woman with a good immune system (Pixabay)

Slowing down the aging of the immune system can be the solution to several problems, but how do you go about achieving this? A team of researchers from Yale University (USA) answered and showed the relationship that can exist between fewer calories absorbed and a good immune system. The studio implemented began in 2007 and involved about 140 people aged between 20 and 50, who were asked to lose weight.

After two years of observation, the participants lost about 10 kg (14% of their initial weight). From that moment on, periodic evaluations were made on some very specific aspects. From here it then emerged that the reduction of calories has some effects directed on molecular and metabolic factors. The relationship is simple: by minimizing the chances of inflammation and enhancing homeostatic mechanisms, cells rejuvenate. Over the years it has been shown that weight loss is associated with a lower production of insulin, rejuvenation of the heart and the reduction of many pathological processes that underlie numerous diseases.

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So explained Luigi Fontana, co-author of numerous studies related to the CALERIE test and director of the Center for Longevity and Health of the University of Sydney. But that’s not all, because the researchers, analyzing 25 people, also revealed a relationship between low caloric dosage and the slowing of the immune system by acting on a gland above the heart, namely the timo. All thanks to the PLA2G7 protein, which slowed down the aging of the gland and therefore also of the immune system.

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