Home » Risk of heart attack and stroke, but the origin of the disease is at home, always with us

Risk of heart attack and stroke, but the origin of the disease is at home, always with us

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Risk of heart attack and stroke, but the origin of the disease is at home, always with us

A healthy lifestyle is the basis of health, stroke and heart attack are risks to be avoided, but the origin of the disease is right at home. What is it about?

Blood Pressure Monitor (Pixabay)

A healthy lifestyle is the basis of health, stroke and heart attack are risks to be avoided, but the origin of the disease is right in the house. What is it about? One of the major causes of death in the world is related to cardiovascular diseases, almost always silent and lethal. You have to follow correct habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid running into big problems.

However, it is not always easy to find time to relax, to cook healthily, or to play sports. The rhythms of life today are frenetic, compulsive, and involve great tension, anxiety, fear, speed. It also brings you various addictions, such as cigarettes, alcohol and fatty foods containing sugars. You never feel safe and risk your health.

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How to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by starting at home

cardiovascular disease risk
Heart (Pixabay)

A healthy nutrition it is essential to stay healthy and to keep blood cholesterol levels in balance. Foods rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins must be consumed every day. For this reason, it is better to prefer a vegetarian diet, limiting meat and derivatives.

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Eat well, trying to keep i down cholesterol levels, it is important not to deposit too much fat in the arteries, occluding blood vessels and causing heart attacks and strokes. A similar condition, which is referred to as hypercholesterolemia, is silent and lethal, with almost no symptoms.

But, in addition to controlling blood cholesterol, through a healthy diet, it is necessary practice physical activity, sleep well and the right hours, and rest when needed. Sleep is very important, this must be of quality and must last the hours necessary to regenerate the body. A deficiency of are leads to numerous ailments that affect health.

The risks of having a screen addiction

heart attack stroke addiction TV
Person watching TV (Pixabay)

If you sleep little, you are short of energy, an energy deficit that consumes the body and which could lead to cardiovascular disease. Finally, to reduce the risk of such terrible consequences, just look around, directly in your own home.

The Veronesi Foundation, in fact, has published an article in which it is explained that the risk of heart attack and stroke is closely linked toexcessive use of an appliance. What is it about? Of the television. Of course, the problem isn’t the TV itself. Spending too much time in front of the screen is synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle, often accompanied by the consumption of unhealthy food and drinks, so it can lead to great health damage.

The Veronesi Foundation study was conducted for twelve years and on more than one million patients. Beyond the genetic predisposition, the study highlighted the incidence of time lost in front of the TV. Who spends less than 4 hours a day watching television reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease even 6%. If you exceed these hours, your health risk increases, especially as you age.

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Less than three hours in front of the TV, the risk is lowered by 16%, not a little. People who are used to watching television for many hours are at great risk, especially in the evening, with lipid and glucose levels on the rise. In short, even from this apparently innocent action, there is a lot of risk. The advice is to don’t get too attached to the screennot to spend too many hours in front of the TV, using free time in another way.

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