Home » Rossella Di Fuorti, who died on her birthday after a sushi lunch. “Maybe an allergic reaction”

Rossella Di Fuorti, who died on her birthday after a sushi lunch. “Maybe an allergic reaction”

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She didn’t know she was allergic to fish, and never in the past had she had symptoms that alarmed her. For this, Rossella DiFuortion his fortieth birthday, he chose a restaurant that prepares sushi and other oriental dishes in the Fuorigrotta district, in Napoli. But lunch was fatal: the woman, mother of two children, on returning home, had vomiting attacks before her, then collapsed. It all happened in a short time. Di Fuorti is dead, help is useless now. It is not yet clear whether an allergic reaction to the lunch was the cause of death sushi. Only the autopsy will clarify.

He eats sushi and dies on his birthday: Rossella Di Fuorti struck down by cardiac arrest. Autopsy arranged

What is certain is that the other people who ate the same meal did not have any illness. The woman’s husband, as she reported to the judicial police, claims that her wife had never previously accused allergic reactions to any type of food. The Naples prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation.
The Fuorigrotta restaurant, where the Nas carabinieri appointed by the prosecutors have already carried out several withdrawals, has been closed as a precaution.
«In general, the anaphylactic reaction occurs within half an hour of ingestion explains Eleonora Nucera, director of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome Therefore, first of all we need to understand if the woman started feeling sick while she was at the restaurant and neglected the symptom, which slowly increased. Until she arrived home, it was already late ». In general, anaphylactic shock is rarely the first symptom. Unless the patient suffers from mastocytosis, a silent pathology that is linked to a dysfunction of a particular type of cell, the mast cells. “We essentially don’t know if the reaction has already manifested itself before and, not having intervened immediately, the reaction then degenerated, observes Nucera – It is also probable that the woman had already had signals other times when she ate fish, and perhaps he neglected them or didn’t connect them to food. It’s not even a given that it was the fish. “It is also possible that she was allergic to some vegetable substance contained in the sushi, for example in the soy sauce.” In any case, after the first symptom there is no time to waste. “Unfortunately, allergic reactions Nucera warns – they have an exponential trend, so it is necessary to intervene within a few minutes”.

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The most alarming symptoms, which require life-saving intervention, are generalized itching, the sense of heat that starts from the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands, or in the armpits, the sense of closure of the throat. «To avoid the worst – explains the expert – those who know they are allergic generally have to carry cortisone drugs both orally and by puncture and antihistamines, in addition to self-injectable adrenaline. If you realize that you have accidentally ingested some contaminated food, even if you do not have symptoms, you must immediately take antihistamine and cortisone therapy by mouth. If, on the other hand, the symptoms are generalized, they are important, or if they worsen over a short time, cortisone, antihistamines and above all adrenaline are needed immediately ».

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