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Rucking, the strength and cardio training that everyone wants to do: why it’s becoming popular

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Rucking, the strength and cardio training that everyone wants to do: why it’s becoming popular

Rucking: The New Fitness Trend Taking the World by Storm

Rucking, a new type of training that involves walking or hiking with a weighted backpack or vest, is quickly gaining popularity as a challenging and effective workout. This unique form of exercise combines strength training and aerobic activity, providing numerous physical and mental health benefits. As more and more people ditch traditional gym equipment in favor of rucking, letā€™s explore what makes this trend so appealing.

Rucking is essentially walking with a weight on your back, similar to military training. While regular walking provides cardiovascular endurance, rucking takes it a step further by offering a low-impact way to boost muscle strength and bone density. Studies have shown that walking or running with a loaded backpack burns more calories than standard walking, making it a great option for weight management and fitness improvement.

For beginners, itā€™s recommended to start rucking with a light or empty backpack and gradually increase the weight. A 30-minute rucking session on flat ground two to three times a week can lead to significant benefits. The calorie expenditure during rucking is higher than other activities such as simple walking, making it an efficient and effective workout.

One of the most appealing aspects of rucking is its outdoor nature. Research has shown that physical activity in nature can positively influence mental well-being, reducing stress and improving mood. Engaging in rucking with a friend can further enhance these mental health benefits, as well as help lower blood pressure and decrease fatigue. The connection with the natural environment and the distraction of company make rucking a holistic workout for both the body and mind.

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As the popularity of rucking continues to grow, more and more people are reaping the benefits of this innovative form of exercise. With its ability to provide a full-body workout while improving mental health, rucking is definitely a trend worth considering for fitness enthusiasts. Whether youā€™re looking to mix up your workout routine or simply enjoy the great outdoors, rucking may be the perfect option for you.

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