Home » Senile dementia in women: symptoms, treatments, habits to avoid it. I study

Senile dementia in women: symptoms, treatments, habits to avoid it. I study

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Senile dementia in women: symptoms, treatments, habits to avoid it.  I study

According to a twenty-year study, women can reduce the risk of developing dementia with seven tricks. Here’s what they are

The number is of those who inspire fortune, seven. But in this case, fate has little to do with it: according to a new study, there are seven habits that can help women reduce the risk of developing senile dementiareversing a negative trend. Statistics state that women are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, with advancing age, compared to men in a ratio of 2 to 1. But, while it is true that genetic factors make some people more vulnerable to dementia, it is also true that making some healthy lifestyle choices could make a difference. ..

the study of senile dementia

This was confirmed by a two-decade study of 13,720 women, who were initially around 54 years old. After 20 years, 1,771 (13% of the total) had developed a form of senile dementia. The researchers thus assigned each participant un score based on 7 healthy lifestyle habits, to find out if there was any correlation between lifestyle and disease. For each habit respected, the participants received one point, up to the maximum of 7.


After adjusting the results for each participant’s age and education, the team found that each point added to the 7 healthy habits ranking reduced the risk of dementia by 6%. Respecting all 7 habits could therefore reduce the risk of dementia by over 40%. But what habits are we talking about?

  1. Do physical activity
  2. Eat better
  3. Maintain a healthy weight
  4. Not smoking
  5. Maintain a healthy blood pressure
  6. Keep your cholesterol under control
  7. Have low blood sugar

the comment

“Using all the evidence at our disposal – writes the American Heart Association – we have developed a health prescription called Life’s Simple 7: the seven most important predictors of health of the heart which also serve as a pathway to achieving ideal cardiovascular health. THE Simple 7 include 4 modifiable behaviors (not smoking, healthy weight, eating healthy and being physically active) and 3 biometric measures (blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose). Individuals with ideal levels for all 7 metrics are considered to have ideal cardiovascular health.”


“Because we now know that the dementia can begin in the brain decades before diagnosisit’s important to know how our habits in midlife may influence the risk of dementia in later life,” she says Pamela Rist, ScD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “But the good news is that making healthy lifestyle choices during that time in life can actually lead to a reduction in dementia risk later in life.”

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