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Should you drink water before or after meals? The definitive answer

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Should you drink water before or after meals?  The definitive answer

Does drinking water help you lose weight? And if so, should it be drunk before or after meals? Here is the truth about this eternal dilemma

Drinking water helps you lose weight. Many say it, but for some it seems just a false myth, and instead things are not like this. If you drink at least two glasses of water before eating, you feel fuller and tend to be fuller.

Everyone’s dilemma, when to drink water, before or after meals – ffwebmagazine.it

Therefore, drinking it is a valid ally to lose weight for those who are overweight or obese, and it is an aid that must go hand in hand with thephysical activity. But how does this method help to dispose of the extra kilos?

A study carried out by researchers at Birmingham University involved 84 adult and obese volunteers. After a specialist visit, the experimentation began. The first group, consisting of 41 people, had to drink half a liter of water 30 minutes before each main meal, while control group members were instructed to imagine their stomachs were full before eating.

After following them for 3 months, it emerged that those who drank half a liter of water before main meals lost 1.3 kg more than those who didn’t. Ergo, drinking half a liter of water consumed before each main meal helps you lose weight.

Drinking water before meals: the effects

These data confirm another study, which dates back to 2009. In that context, the scholars had compared the effect of a different intake of water in people who had a diet low calorie.

Drinking water before meals helps to lose weight – ffwebmagazine.it

Losing weight is not easy, and it takes perseverance and willpowercourage to continue in one’s choices. That’s why they remain among the ways to lose weight at the top of the list diet and sports. Water, however, is an ally that manages to make an incisive contribution to weight loss. It manages to give a sense of fullness, of satiety.

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It is also very important to remember that drinking water, in a person who is well, and in particular 2 liters a day, ensures the hydration one needs. It is a different matter if you suffer from heart, kidney or endocrine problems: in that case it is not advisable to drink excessively.

Ditto for those people who have oncological diseases, who should eat foods that give energy, in order not to end up in a condition where they are malnourished.

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