Home » Siamese twins undergo a risky operation to separate: here they are after a year

Siamese twins undergo a risky operation to separate: here they are after a year

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Siamese twins undergo a risky operation to separate: here they are after a year

The news of expecting twins may initially scare many parents, but it undoubtedly brings joy and happiness at the same time. However, this enthusiasm can quickly turn into fear and worry when it comes to Siamese twins.

Heather e Riley Delaney they experienced this experience firsthand and decided to share it on their social pages and in numerous interviews. But let’s get to know their history better …

The couple had long wanted to expand their family and when Heather received the news that she was pregnant with 2 twins, the joy felt was truly indescribable.

A few months later, however, the ultrasound scans revealed a problem in the conformation of the two fetuses and the doctors communicated to the future parents the news that would completely upset them: the twins would be born with a condition called “craniopagus“. It meant Mom was going to give birth to one pair of conjoined twinsheld together by their heads.

This is an extremely rare condition, in which children, in addition to sharing a part of the skin, also share a portion of brain tissue e you blood vessels. Precisely for this reason, the separation procedure is highly risky and delicate.

Caesarean delivery, which occurred prematurely by 10 weekstook place at the Philadelphia hospital and gave birth to 2 baby girls called Erin and Abbeyeach weighing less than 1 kilo. Due to the emergency birth and the size of the twins, the operation to separate them could not be carried out immediately after their birth, but had to wait a year.

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Over the previous 12 months, however, the girls underwent a series of treatments to “prepare” them for the operation. For example, due to their union they could not learn to crawl and walk, consequently during the first year they underwent trials to strengthen the leg muscles.

After the long months of waiting, the surgery finally took place and despite its complexity it was performed in the best possible way. The girls were separated and became the youngest twins to have undergone such an operation, as reported Dottor Taylor.

Today, more than a year after their separation, Erin and Abbey are finally leading a completely normal life and are in excellent health. THE progress they increase day by day and even knowing that it will be a journey with ups and downs, the two parents are thrilled to see their daughters like this.

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