Home » Singing increases self-healing powers Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

Singing increases self-healing powers Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

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Singing increases self-healing powers  Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

When you sing, it’s not just the larynx and vocal cords that are in action. The lungs, the heart, the diaphragm, and even the abdominal, leg and buttock muscles are all strained. If you want to be healthy and happy, you don’t have to resort to high-priced wellness offers, because there is a simple and free recipe for everyone: singing. Singing is not only a fun activity, it is also good for your health.

Singing not only delights those around you with beautiful music, but also strengthens your immune system and stimulates your self-healing powers. Researchers were able to prove by means of blood tests that singing activates the immune system and increases the concentration of immunoglobulin A and cortisol, a clear indication of the body’s increased immune system. When singing, the various glands in the body release a large number of health-promoting substances, including so-called happiness hormones. And singing is not just a boon for the body, it is also balm for the soul. The life forces are also activated as the fine vibrations flow through the whole body and especially the brain when singing, thus stimulating blood circulation and metabolism. Singing also increases courage, self-confidence, balance and resilience. The singer can further free himself from negative feelings or strengthen positive feelings through singing, because whoever sings cannot brood or worry at the same time. People who sing are usually more outgoing and open-minded, and therefore simply happier. Active singing can even reduce stress and also overcome feelings such as fear and sadness. According to the research, you can mobilize significantly more physical and mental resources when you sing. Those who sing a lot live longer and better on average. Children who sing a lot also learn better and can deal more creatively with what they have learned, so they are more fit for life.

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Anyone who is discouraged from singing because they claim they can’t sing is probably wrong. With very few exceptions, everyone has a reasonable level of musical talent and, in principle, everyone can sing. And even singing in the shower or in the car has a positive effect. Those who have lost singing or who have never been able to develop it as a form of expression are handicapped in their natural development of life. Also, not everyone’s singing is about achievement. Rather, it is about singing as an end in itself for your own enjoyment. You can learn to sing for the sheer fun of it at any age and develop it further. There is hardly any better medicine than active singing to (re)gain zest for life.

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