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Snacks for toddlers: Choose wholesome options

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Snacks for toddlers: Choose wholesome options

26.05.2024 – 09:00

Word & Image Publishing Group – well being studies

Baierbrunn (ots)

Puffed rice, pretzel, muesli bar from the shop, shortbread and fruit from Quetschie: lots of the typical Snacks for toddlers may be changed by different wholesome options, he writes Pharmacy journal “PARENT”.

Pretzel biscuits are normally made with sifted flour

What most dad and mom do not know: Rice naturally incorporates loads inorganic arsenic. There are strict arsenic limits for youngsters’s merchandise, however Ɩkotest discovered just a few merchandise aimed toward younger youngsters when it examined in November 2022. Eva Hohoff, Ecotrophologist from Bonn, advises dad and mom: Choose options to puffed rice – Chopped waffles for instance, the unsalted model.

And widespread A pretzel it’s not harmful. Because it is extra salty than a roll of bread, largely due to the salt sprinkled on it. “That can put pressure on youngsters’s kidneys.”stated Eva Hohoff. Plus: Pretzel truffles are normally out take out the flour Produced at a really low fee of digestion, many nutritional vitamins and minerals are left behind. Good causes for a sandwich finely floor wheat flour change.

Instead of a muesli bar, attempt a slice of banana

Muesli is taken into account wholesome – however not when honey and … Agave syrup hold the flakes collectively, says nutritionist Hohoff: “Granola bars must be categorized as sweet.” A sweetener as a substitute is much less wholesome desk sugar. And the addition of “youngsters” does not make it any higher. Hohoff’s tip: give them a slice of banana. It may be shortly faraway from the journey.

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But what concerning the well-known ones? Quetchesthat even very younger youngsters can simply pour? Of course, it helps that mother and pa do not chop fruit. However, Eva Hohoff sees fruit within the bag which is crucial: When you suck, your tooth are all the time involved with sugar. And whether or not the sugar is added or comes from the fruit – it’s damaged down into acid, which it assaults the enamel of the tooth. In addition, ingesting occurs on the aspect. “This isn’t good”stated the skilled. “When he’s sufficiently old, it’s higher to provide the kid an apple that he can eat.” Because chewing additionally must be realized. And the Kaumuskeln Exercise can be good for language growth.

This report is free to publish provided that the supply is cited. The pharmacy journal “ELTERN” 4/2024 is obtainable in most pharmacies.

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Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR-Manager
Phone: 089/744 33-360
Email: [email protected]

Original content material from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – well being studies, broadcast by information aktuell

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