Home » so to defend health we tore it to pieces – Libero Quotidiano

so to defend health we tore it to pieces – Libero Quotidiano

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Yuri Maria Prado

Now someone is beginning to realize how bitter are the fruits of the pan-health insemination with which it is claimed to prepare the ground for the battle against the virus. The very wrong idea was based on deadly misunderstanding for which the energies of political action should be engaged on the medical-health front. And the problem was not only that in the name of that misunderstanding it was possible to sacrifice everything, essential freedoms, economic activities, education and even the mass: the problem was also that the canon “health first” would end up making pay a calculated price precisely in terms of public health, except for believing that suicides, depression, social disarray, scientific production of masses of illiterates, ineducation to work, prolonged inhibition of social relations, do not attempt in an even more serious way to the good that politics would like to protect.

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We watched him, from the beginning of that real madness, to explain that the political problem in wartime is not to give arms to generals, but to keep life in the cities under bombing. And it also applies to communication that in wartime is not contracted out to colonels as here, however, was entrusted to the influencers of “science”.

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Anyone who (see Veltroni, in Corriere) explains today that we need to “accelerate towards normality” is welcome. But normality is reached safely only by recognizing that it was recklessly abandoned.

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