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so you don’t lose weight: LOLnews

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so you don’t lose weight: LOLnews

It is the most complete and balanced and many of us follow it without knowing it: it is the Mediterranean diet. But be careful not to make these mistakes

It is common opinion that the Mediterranean diet is the most complete and effective for the health of our body. The variety of foods, balance and a healthy lifestyle are the basis of this diet, which embodies the culinary traditions of the countries bordering the Mediterranean.


Most of us follow it without being aware of it, and mistakes are thus made unconsciously. Here are the ones not to do if you want to lose weight.

Carbohydrates. Although they are included in this diet, you must not exceed the quantities. Better to choose wholemeal bread and pasta, and if you eat one, you shouldn’t eat the other in the same meal.

Seasoning. Another sore point are the condiments. We must not exaggerate; it is true that oil is an ancient food, but it is also true that it was a precious commodity and for this reason it was not consumed in very large quantities.

Vino. The same thing said for oil, also applies to wine.

Physical activity. The amount of calories consumed depends on how much energy we burn throughout the day. At one time, herding and agriculture were the main activities and this required a large expenditure of energy. So a Mediterranean diet of more than 2000 calories was fine. Today we tend to do sedentary jobs and not do physical activity often. An excessively caloric diet is therefore not indicated.

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Seasonality. The concept of food preservation is recent; if you want to observe the Mediterranean diet correctly, it is good to follow the seasonality of foods, even if today you can find many vegetables (for example tomatoes) all year round.

Pay attention to the portions. Finally, do not make large portions. Always keep in mind that once upon a time for most people, meat, fish, oil, cheese were expensive foods and therefore consumed in moderation. On the contrary, fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes were more common and consumed in abundance.

However, the usual advice remains valid. If you want to go on a diet or want to be sure that you are eating healthily and correctly, contact a specialist.

Photo credits @ Shutterstock

Note:this article is the result of research and processing of news on the web. The author, the editorial staff and the publisher hereby decline all responsibility and invite readers to carry out a careful check and always contact a specialist doctor.

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