Home » Soliera. “The extortion at the gym was the mafia”

Soliera. “The extortion at the gym was the mafia”

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The aggravating circumstance to Mario Temperato and Enrico Palummo confirmed: men of the Casalesi clan who intimidated the victim

SOLIERA. A partnership that operated with an explicit “mafia method” and exploited its intimidating capacity to guarantee a benefit to all participants. The words used by the Court of Cassation in rejecting the appeals of the 51-year-old Mario Temperato of Modena and the 34-year-old Enrico Palummo of Bomporto are very harsh words. They are connected to the Casalesi clan and thanks to the strength of the name they managed to subjugate even the manager of a gym.

The story is now known and dates back to the spring of 2014: Palummo had managed to get a BMW X5 delivered after the threats against the manager of the sports activity: “You end up under two meters of earth”, is the sentence told during the trial that triggers extortion. In which also participates Temperato, one of the best known exponents in the Modena area, always considered a man of trust and very close to the top of the clan. “Temperato had particularly impressed him – reconstruct the judges of Cassation – for the authoritarian role he showed, in the typical pattern of mafia imposition”.

The 51-year-old, in fact, is not the beneficiary of the extortion or even in the deal of certain checks, but he is still the one who asserts his intimidating power thanks to an “explicit and iterated intimidating attitude”. And so the BMW is handed over by the entrepreneur to Palummo “because he warned him linked to a wider delinquent mass, well represented also by the reinforcing presence of the Temperate, which on previous occasions had certainly contributed to placing the victim in a condition of subjection to the extortionate yoke “.

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In light of all these assessments, the Supreme Court confirmed the convictions already emerged on appeal: 12 years overall against 14 at first instance thanks to the “discount” of the amalgamation of crimes.

But over time Temperato and Palummo, uncle and nephew, continued to make a couple even in prison. In fact, their role is famous for which they ended up on trial after the contested attack on a “spesino” which took place in the Dozza prison in Bologna. According to the repentant of the ‘Ndrangheta, Pino Giglio, the two from Campania were commissioned by Gianluigi Sarcone and Sergio Bolognino, among the leaders of the Emilian’ Ndrangheta, to give a lesson to an inmate who deals with the distribution of groceries to the other prisoners. From that accusation Temperato and Palummo have always said they are innocent, but what has been revealed confirms an unusual axis between the two organizations that has lasted at least since the earthquake when ‘Ndrangheta and Casalesi chose not to compete.


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