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Sport and dentistry: how to perfect this union

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Sport and dentistry: how to achieve optimal performance? How to perfect this combination? Well, one balanced dietand quality sleepthe correct hydration and an adequate recovery period between workouts. These are just some of the factors behind a good training. But today among themust have” of the sportsman, both at an amateur and competitive level, there are also the oral health and the teeth care I’m at the base of virtuous mechanism directly connected to posture, equilibrium e performance.Over the last few years there has been a growing awareness of how athletic performance can be influenced by the balance of the stomatognathic system. It includes teeth, muscles, and the temporomandibular joint. Even a slight change in balance can affect strength intensity and coordination ability during sporting activity”. The precise and timely explanation of clotilde austoni, Smile Influencer e dentist specialized in Odontostomatological Surgery

SPORT AND DENTISTRY: PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION “During a race, tension, stress and concentration trigger the release of hormones such as cortisone, adrenaline and noradrenaline. The effect of adrenaline is to prepare the body for an alarm situation and the athlete is therefore led to grit his teeth, even in training. Clenching your teeth, in addition to damaging them, causes tension in the masticatory muscles. And of the neck, which in the long run can give rise to muscular and postural imbalances, expose to a greater risk of injury, disperse energy, reduce efficiency and performance”.

The possible risks of Sport for the teeth (and vice versa) The first risk is definitely dental wear. Competitive and amateur athletes engaged in one physical effort, be it during training or during a race, they tend to clench their teeth, which wear out over time. Then there are those who practice contact sports and must protect the teeth from any shots e danni. And again: i swimmers who train in swimming pool they are subject, for example, to the risk of dental erosion. For this reason they are indicated remineralizing treatments established together with your dentist. On the other hand, the sports performance can in turn be influenced by stomatognathic system: disturbances to themandibular joint, il bruxism not malocclusions. These are abnormal relationships between the dental arches – they can cause postural imbalances and muscle tensions – which in the long run can translate into a decreased athletic ability and in a major risk of injury. In fact, a minimum is enough for sportsmen, especially high-level athletes variation of equilibrium to limit strength and coordination ability during sports.

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Functional and aesthetic damage and to the enamel – The tendency to clench your teeth during sporting activity can lead to long-term tooth wear. As it goes dental enamel and consume, the smile is more dull, yellowed. This is because the dentine, or the layer underneath the enamel, which is yellow. L’dental wearHowever, it doesn’t just cause damage to aesthetic levelbut if it advances in an important way also problems of occlusion. Using a bite customized improve the performance of the athletes. This is because the device balances the occlusion and cancels the forces generated by the contraction of the masticatory muscles which consume energy without producing useful work. The bite also has the purpose of increase the ability to concentrate, protect your teeth from wear and tear and improve i postural relationshipsthus reducing the risk of injury.

Teeth-posture-sports performance: how do you achieve balance? The first step is one specialist at the dentist where exclude the presence of a malocclusion, and if present evaluate the opportunity to intervene to treat it with an orthodontic path that today can be achieved with transparent masks. If during the visit they are encountered muscle tensions e dental wear instead, it is appropriate to evaluate the creation of a custom dental traythat is one hard acrylic resin plate. Mediterranean diet and sport for gum health
Mediterranean diet and sport they help care for the gums in those suffering from chronic inflammation
. To talk about it for the first time is a recent Italian study published in the scientific journal Journal of Periodontology which investigates the correlation between the binomial sedentary lifestyle-poor nutrition e severity of periodontal disease: poor adherence to the Mediterranean diet e little physical activity they would increase, by a good amount ten times the risk of severe periodontitis (Stage III/IV)

SPORT AND DENTISTRY From a recent study conducted by University of Sydney it emerges that the gum disease as the periodontitis could help neutralize the beneficial effects of sport on health. In fact, periodontitis is associated with low levels Of fitness cardiorespiratoria or in poor physical shape. And the physical activity carried out by patients who are severely affected by it does not exert its positive and defensive effects on ‘telomere’the ends of the chromosomes which have been connected to the true biological age of an individual. image source com.press

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