Home » Staff Shortage Plagues Lombardy Hospitals during Summer Months

Staff Shortage Plagues Lombardy Hospitals during Summer Months

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Staff Shortage Plagues Lombardy Hospitals during Summer Months

Title: Staff Shortage in Lombardy Hospitals Leads to Drop in Outpatient Clinics Activities by 77.8% in Summer

Date: 22 July 2023

Milan, Italy – Lombardy hospitals are facing a severe lack of staff during the summer period, leading to a significant drop of 77.8% in the activity of outpatient clinics, according to the Federation of Hospital Internists (Fadoi). With a third of doctors on vacation, the situation has become increasingly unsustainable.

To cope with the shortage, the remaining doctors are working extra shifts to cover night shifts, while 61.1% are skipping their weekly rest periods. Fadoi’s report sheds light on the current situation in Lombard hospitals, specifically in eighteen operating units of internal medicine. Despite the efforts of those working additional shifts, outpatient activities have decreased in 77.8% of cases and have been rescheduled in 5.6% of Lombardy hospitals, compromising the overall quality of healthcare in 73.3% of cases.

Although hospitals do not close for holidays, it is the dedication and sacrifices made by doctors that allow them to continue operating despite the chronic staff shortage.

The report further highlights the alarming fact that 61.1% of doctors have their weekly rest periods violated between June and September, even though they should always be guaranteed. Additionally, 44.5% are compelled to cover night shifts with extra activities, while 50% are called upon to guarantee emergency room shifts, which are also requested outside of the summer period.

President of the Fadoi Foundation, Dario Manfellotto, denounces this situation, stating that it adversely affects the activity of internal medicine, which already suffers from a shortage of healthcare professionals in relation to the complexity of patients being treated. Instead of being present in the ward, personnel are diverted to emergency rooms, resulting in further strain on resources.

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The lack of staff during the summer months poses significant challenges to Lombardy hospitals. The resolute commitment of doctors working extra shifts undoubtedly helps sustain healthcare services, but the dire need for additional professionals cannot be understated. Authorities must work towards long-term solutions to meet the increasing demands on the healthcare system, ensuring that patient care remains a top priority.

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