Home » Stellantis, how much Elkann, Tavares and Agnelli earned in 2022: all salaries

Stellantis, how much Elkann, Tavares and Agnelli earned in 2022: all salaries

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Stellantis, how much Elkann, Tavares and Agnelli earned in 2022: all salaries

After announcing the profit of 16.8 billion euros of the 2022, Stellar presented the salaries of the company’s executives. 31.1 million euros it is the amount that went to the entire Board of Directors with the CEO Carlos Tavares who was the one who received the most with 23.4 million euros. Right after him John ElkannWhile Andrea Agnelli among top executives he is much more detached.

The salaries of Elkann and Agnelli

The figure received by Elkann in 2022 is around i 5.8 million euros, down from 7.8 the previous year. If the president of Stellantis and Exor is among the most rewarded, Andrea Agnelli received “only” 223 thousand euros. The former president of the Juventus now he has also resigned from the board of directors of Stellantis and Exor following the trial on the capital gains case involving the black and white club.

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