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still the leading cause of death. Here are the new drugs |

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still the leading cause of death.  Here are the new drugs |

With over 230,000 people dead in one year le consequences of cardiovascular disease they are still the most dangerous for the health of Italians. In terms of percentage, it means that 36% of all deaths in our country depend on diseases that affect the heart. In one case in five the heart problem is closely related to having high levels of LDLthe cholesterol considered bad.

In this article

Consequences of cardiovascular diseases: maximum attention to cholesterol

The data comes from the conference Lipids in Rome – Old Challenges and New Opportunities underway in the capital, organized by the National Association of Hospital Cardiologists (Anmco). It is now a robust scientific certainty that LDL cholesterol is the main cause ofatherosclerosis. The main problem lies in the fact that in the vast majority of cases atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is silent. This means that too often it is only discovered after an excess of bad cholesterol has caused a heart problem. We know that LDL adheres to the arteries, causing an accumulation of fat, which can make blood circulation complicated or even impossible. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Difficult to lower it even with diet and physical activity

The real problem with high cholesterol is that it’s especially difficult to lower it effectively and sustainably. Data suggests that 8 out of 10 high-risk patients fail to reduce it in the desired way. Cholesterol can be lowered with a regular, healthy diet and physical activity. However, it is also produced by the liver, so these actions are often not enough.

Consequences of cardiovascular diseases: they can be limited with new therapies

The good news is instead that thanks to the progress made with scientific research, the therapies for cardiovascular diseases have changed a lot in the last 25 years. Now the market has arrived monoclonal antibodies e new drugs considered smart. With the use of monoclonal drugs, for example, we are able to see a significant and long-term reduction in cholesterol levels. This therapy manages to counteract the activity of the Pcsk9 protein, which is responsible for the accumulation of lipids in the arteries.

Smart Drugs

Just a few weeks ago a research confirmed the goodness ofbempedoic acid in inhibiting the ACL enzyme. It is taken once a day and can be combined with other treatments to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. It is useful in high-risk patients and those experiencing severe side effects from statin use. Another medicine, theInclisiran, is a small interfering RNA that limits the activity of the Pcsk9 protein. This increases the liver’s ability to absorb cholesterol, reducing the amount in the blood.

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