Home » Stings Bees, the venom can go into circulation: you risk these reactions

Stings Bees, the venom can go into circulation: you risk these reactions

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Stings Bees, the venom can go into circulation: you risk these reactions
Ape – newsecologia.it

Bee stings can cause severe reactions if the venom enters the body. Find out what the risks are associated with these reactions.

Bees are fascinating and indispensable creatures for our daily life, but they can also represent a threat to our health.

A bee sting can cause intense pain and a local skin reaction, but in some cases the poison can also enter the body and cause more serious reactions. These reactions can range from mild allergic symptoms to serious complications such as anaphylactic shock, which can be life-threatening without immediate intervention.

For this reason, it’s important know the risks associated with bee stings and know how to prevent or manage any adverse reactions. In this article, we’ll explore the dangers associated with bee stings and provide practical advice on how to protect yourself and those you care about.

Bee stings and death

Most people try just one local swelling after a bee sting. However, in some cases, they can occur serious toxic reactions, especially after multiple punctures. Stings near the eyes, temples or in the eye itself require a immediate medical intervention. Stings on the tongue and pharynx can cause a rapid swelling of the mucous membraneputting the patient’s life at risk for asphyxiation.

When bees sting the supple skin of humans and other mammals, the stinger remains lodged in the epidermis together with the entire stinging apparatus. This causes the death of the bee after 2-3 days. In some cases a sting can occur serious toxic reactions starting from 50 bites in children and from 100-500 bites in adults. However, there are common steps that can be taken immediately to treat the affected area and prevent more serious consequences. In case of a puncture, it is necessary gently remove the stinger, cool the toe area and keep the affected body part at rest. Consult a doctor if severe symptoms appear.

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Consult a doctor immediately in case of severe symptoms – newsecologia.it

Emergency therapy for allergic reactions

If he bee venom goes circulating in the body can cause a systemic allergic reaction call anaphylaxiswhat can be life threatening. Symptoms of anaphylaxis can be diverse and include facial swelling, of the lips and tongue, respiratory difficulties, palpitations, sweating, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, dizziness e loss of consciousness.

Also, bee venom can cause a local reaction around the puncture site, such as swelling, redness, itching and pain. In case of systemic allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is It is important to call the emergency doctor immediately and, if available, use injectable adrenaline to reduce symptoms.

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