Home » Students at UNLP Faculty of Medicine challenge arbitrary modifications to study plans with legal action

Students at UNLP Faculty of Medicine challenge arbitrary modifications to study plans with legal action

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Students at UNLP Faculty of Medicine challenge arbitrary modifications to study plans with legal action

More than 50 students from the UNLP Faculty of Medicine have filed an administrative claim with the dean’s office to challenge modifications to the study plans that they believe were implemented in an arbitrary and discriminatory manner. The students report serious irregularities in the new curriculum that will force some students to extend their studies by 2 or 3 additional years. Despite lack of response from authorities, the affected students have decided to pursue legal action in order to reverse the measure.

The students claim that the decision to change study plans was made by the Academic Secretary through an internal communication, bypassing the proper channels of approval by the Superior Council of the UNLP. Many students only became aware of the changes in March, just before the elective closing, causing confusion and uncertainty. The students argue that the lack of subject equivalencies in the new plan only adds to the confusion and unfairness of the situation.

The lawyers representing the students have condemned the unilateral modifications to the academic records of the students, calling it a violation of their rights. The students are demanding that the changes to the study plans be revoked and the situation be rectified. The legal team representing the students includes Drs. Marcelo A. David, Juan Francisco Crocco and Gonzalo M. Lopez Alves from the David & Asoc Law Firm.

The problem with study plans at the UNLP Faculty of Medicine has been ongoing, with 8 different plans coexisting in recent years. The affected students are calling for justice and a fair resolution to the situation that has disrupted their academic journey.

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