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Study Confirms Vision Problems Increase Risk of Dangerous Falls in Older Adults

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Study Confirms Vision Problems Increase Risk of Dangerous Falls in Older Adults

Older People With Vision Problems at Higher Risk of Dangerous Falls: Study

FRIDAY, Dec. 29, 2023 (HealthDay News) — New research has confirmed that older people with vision problems are at a much higher risk of dangerous falls.

According to a report published in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology on December 28, a study found that the odds of a fall increased by 38 percent for seniors with glaucoma, 36 percent for those with cataracts, and 25 percent for seniors with age-related macular disease (AMD), compared to seniors with good vision.

The study also noted that worldwide, more than 650,000 people lose their lives from falls each year, and the medical costs of falls in the United States exceed $23 billion annually.

The research, conducted by a team at the University of Manchester, analyzed data on visual health, falls, and fractures from a British national database of over 410,000 people, most of whom were over 70 years old at the time of the study.

In addition to the increased risk of falls associated with various vision ailments, the study also found an increased risk of bone fractures. People with glaucoma were 31 percent more likely to suffer a fracture, those with cataracts had a 28 percent higher risk, and people with AMD faced an 18 percent higher risk.

The research team emphasized that most of these eye diseases are preventable or treatable, highlighting the importance of regular eye exams for older people.

“Most of these eye diseases are preventable or treatable,” noted the team, led by Jung Yin Tsang of the university’s Primary Care and Health Services Research Center. They added that early diagnosis and treatment of vision problems, as well as access to falls prevention services, could significantly benefit older people with AMD, cataracts, or glaucoma.

For more information about the relationship between poor eyesight and falls, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers resources.

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SOURCE: JAMA Ophthalmology, December 28, 2023

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