Home » Swollen eyelids, visual disturbances and eye pain could be alarm bells of a risky inflammation often a consequence of sinusitis

Swollen eyelids, visual disturbances and eye pain could be alarm bells of a risky inflammation often a consequence of sinusitis

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To feel good it is necessary to safeguard your health. It is therefore important to pay attention to your physical state, through well-targeted choices and observations.

So, in addition to adopting healthy behaviors, it is also essential to notice certain symptoms and not underestimate them.

You should also take care of yourself to avoid any complications in some cases.

Facing one’s ailments and treating them, in fact, could sometimes avoid some degenerations.

This also applies to quite common ailments such as sinusitis, an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. In fact, we often ignore it may be the cause of other problems.

Symptoms not to be underestimated

At all ages, but especially in children, particular symptoms may occur, such as swollen eyelids, visual disturbances and pain in the eyes, especially when moving them.

In addition to the eyelids, the surrounding areas may also appear red, warm and swollen. The conjunctiva would appear swollen due to the presence of liquids. Another feature would be the eyeball protruding outward.

It would all start with a hot, sore formation that would spread in a short time. This would not only hinder normal vision and eye movement, but would also lead to pupil defects.

Alongside these symptoms, there may be others, such as fever, nausea, vomiting and weakness.

All manifestations that would require medical attention to identify or not a particular inflammation.

Swollen eyelids, visual disturbances and eye pain could be alarm bells of a risky inflammation often a consequence of sinusitis

The various symptoms could indicate the presence of orbital cellulitis, an inflammation that affects the orbital and periorbital area.

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Triggering causes could also be infections of the face or teeth, or infections resulting from local trauma such as insect bites.

Often the orbital cellulitis could manifest itself as a complication of a sinusitis, in particular of the ethmoid one.

Further aggravations of orbital cellulitis could lead to loss of vision but also to meningitis.

Therefore, if symptoms arise, it will be good to ascertain the real situation by consulting an ophthalmologist. Through radiological investigations it will be possible to identify or not the presence of orbital cellulite or other causes of the discomfort of our eyes.

In case of confirmation, the medical opinion will guide us to the right therapy and possibly to hospitalization. In some situations there may also be a need for surgery. But as always, it will be good to turn to specialists without wasting time, so that they can help us.

One way to prevent orbital cellulite could be to dedicate the right treatments to sinusitis, so as to avoid possible consequences.

Neglecting our health, in fact, could often have risky outcomes that we do not know and therefore we would not expect.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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