Home » West Nile, cases increase and the first ordinances arrive: the latest updates

West Nile, cases increase and the first ordinances arrive: the latest updates

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West Nile, cases increase and the first ordinances arrive: the latest updates

Nile fever caused by virus West Nile worries Italy, but experts confirm that there is no outbreak alarm. Yes instead to the alert, especially in view of theincrease in cases. This is why the first ordinances of the summer season arrive.

Among these, for example, the Municipality of Andria announcing sanitization and disinfestation interventions environment against the proliferation of flies, mosquitoes and other insects. The announcement comes as an ordinary intervention, with ordinance number 275 of 11 August 2023. However, the text states that the mayor Giovanna Bruno has ordered urgent measures to counter the emergence of cases of West Nile virus infection.

The cases are found throughout the Italian territory. The latest update, dated August 3, reported 25 almost. The ISS bulletin therefore noted an important growth, but which the former director of the Department of Prevention at the Ministry of Health Gianni Rezza commented with serenity. In fact, according to Rezza, the increase in infections in the middle of the summer season is normal.

The cases of West Nile in Italy are increasing: the ISS update

This was announced by the bulletin of the Higher Institute of Health: i West Nile cases they are on the rise. Not only that, according to the data, the cases are moving from the North-East to the North-West, reaching the provinces of Mantua, Cremona and that of Torino. Other cases have been identified in Pugliawhere a 40-year-old woman was hospitalized.

There are currently around 25 confirmed cases (data updated to August 3), but considering that the virus does not cause symptoms in most cases, it is possible that there are more infected people than those reported.

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Known are the two cases hospitalized in Budrio with stable health conditions, 4 other suspected cases were reported a Cremona and two cases a Cordenons e Pavia of Udine. Another case in Padua, where a case of encephalitis (under improvement) caused by the virus.

Ordinances of the Municipalities: the prevention against infections of West Nile

There is no real alarm, even if the alert remains high. To prevent infections, especially in lack of a fever vaccine which causes the virus in the most serious cases, it is necessary to stay away from mosquitoes. Easier said than done in the summer. In addition to the use of repellents, municipalities are starting to take action against insect larvae.

Among these, the Municipality of Andria, which has published in its news the ordinance for the provision of urgent prevention and containment measures to counter the onset of cases of West Nile Virus infection (WNV). The text reads that these are “ordinary interventions”, but that they are urgently required to counter the proliferation of flies, mosquitoes and other insects.

Other municipalities are also taking action to treat insects that carry West Nile virus. Although there is no actual outbreak, the only way to stop the virus from circulating and infecting humans is to deal with the sanitation and disinfestation the areas with the highest presence of mosquitoes.

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