Home » Tajani: ‘Italy begins once more with UNRWA funding’

Tajani: ‘Italy begins once more with UNRWA funding’

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Tajani: ‘Italy begins once more with UNRWA funding’

“I knowledgeable Mustafa (Palestinian prime minister, ed.) that the federal government has organized new funding for the Palestinian individuals, for a complete of 35 million euros, greater than has been executed to answer this drawback. Of these, 5 million might be allotted to UNRWA. “

This was said by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, who met with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration of the Palestinian Authority, Mohammed Mustafa, in Farnesina.

“Italy, as a consequence of its balanced positions, desires to take part and can work with nice energy to finish this section of the army battle in Gaza. The go to of the Palestinian prime minister to Rome, the primary in Europe. since its institution”, emphasised Tajani referring to the assembly held in Farnesina.

“I knowledgeable Mustafa – then he added – that the Government has deliberate new funding for the Palestinian individuals, with a complete of 35 million euros, greater than what has already been executed to answer this drawback. Of these, 5 million. might be meant for UNRWA: following the work executed by the Independent Commission led by the previous Minister of France Colonna and measures to guard the precept of neutrality, Italy has determined to renew financing sure tasks geared toward serving to Palestinian refugees, however solely after strengthening. Controls that be certain that not even a penny can find yourself supporting terrorism”. 30 million euros might be devoted to the “Food for Gaza” program..

In the interview, Tajani introduced that, after the primary two support packages of 20 million which have already been allotted, the Government has determined to organize a brand new bundle, the third, which, from the 20 million that has been determined in latest weeks, has determined to extend to 30 million. euros. “We consider that it’s essential to work on an answer of ‘two nations, two states’ throughout the framework of a complete political course of resulting in peace, the results of systematic regional motion, with sturdy help from the worldwide neighborhood. – Tajani additionally stated – It is essential to deal with the humanitarian wants of the Palestinian individuals and their official aspirations to be and their nation, and Israel’s equal safety wants.

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Tajani then emphasised that Italy will proceed to ensure, as previously, the total help of the Palestinian Authority and its strengthening, as within the case of applications for the event of autonomous abilities within the area of governance and safety.

Read the total article on ANSA.it

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