Home » Teror City Council Extends Service for Removing Uncontrolled Birds from Streets and Public Spaces

Teror City Council Extends Service for Removing Uncontrolled Birds from Streets and Public Spaces

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Teror City Council Extends Service for Removing Uncontrolled Birds from Streets and Public Spaces

The Animal Welfare department of the Teror City Council has extended its service to remove uncontrolled birds from the streets and public spaces in different areas of the municipality until the end of the year. This initiative aims to mainly tackle the issue of roosters, hens, and pigeons roaming freely in the town. The next locations where this removal service will be undertaken include the Monseñor Socorro Lantigua and Miraflor schools, as well as the municipal cemetery.

Since the launch of this service in May, over a hundred uncontrolled birds have already been removed from the streets and public spaces. Responding to requests from local residents to address the issue of bird colonies in the town’s streets, the Animal Welfare department aims to relocate these animals without causing harm. They are working with the specialized company Fumiplagas Canarias 2021, SL, and the animal rescue organization, ‘Rescate Animal’, to ensure the well-being of the birds during the removal process.

Citizen collaboration is actively sought by the Animal Welfare department to identify new areas in the municipality that are experiencing a surge in uncontrolled bird populations. Residents are encouraged to contact the Teror City Council through phone calls to 928630075 or via WhatsApp at 699380966 between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to report such areas.

The campaign to remove birds from public roads not only helps to prevent possible dangers and accidents caused by loose animals on the streets and highways but also protects the animals from potential harm in urban areas frequented by vehicles. This initiative aims to promote the well-being of both the community and the bird population.

Please share this news on social networks to raise awareness of the ongoing efforts to control the presence of uncontrolled birds in Teror municipally.

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