Home » That is why those who are 50 must absolutely make these 3 preventive visits

That is why those who are 50 must absolutely make these 3 preventive visits

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Those who understand how important prevention is already have an advantage over others. Too many times we take for granted and postpone the necessary checks, yet these can actually save our lives.

Prevention is always fundamental and becomes even more so over the years.

Many diseases, in fact, are preventable thanks to prevention, and it is therefore right to regularly undergo the necessary visits. In fact, it is our right to join the free screening programs offered and promoted by the National Health Service, as happens for these 2 cancers that cause death every year.

Preventive diagnosis is essential because it allows us to intercept any diseases that are advancing in our body and to start treating them in good time.

In this article we will understand which are the visits to be performed periodically once you reach the age of 50.

That is why those who are 50 must absolutely make these 3 preventive visits

Men and women who have reached this age must undergo a complete blood count at least once every 2 years. This is a comprehensive test that provides a wealth of in-depth and detailed information on blood cells. It is a detailed examination that allows you to understand if there is something wrong and possibly to investigate.

Colon polyps and tumors

Both men and women must undergo basic pancoloscopy at least once after age 50. It is not to be confused with the better known colonoscopy.

Pancoloscopy is a more thorough and complete examination that involves the large intestine from the rectum to the cecum. It is a somewhat annoying and unwelcome examination by patients, and that is why sedation is carried out before doing it.

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It is an essential test because it highlights any changes, polyps, inflammations and cancers of the colon.

Attention to eye care

An eye examination must be performed every 2 years to stem possible pathologies related to vision. After the age of 50 there are many problems that can affect the eye, such as glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

That is why those who are 50 must absolutely make these 3 preventive visits.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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