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the 5 mistakes to avoid

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the 5 mistakes to avoid

The fast walk it’s great exercise for anyone who wants to lose weight. But not everyone knows that there are errors to be absolutely avoided, otherwise the desired effects are not achieved.
Let’s find out together 5 that you might never have thought of
Brisk walking is the best type of physical activity for anyone who wants to lose weight and he is not trained at all. If you want to lose weight, starting by walking is recommended by doctors because it does not involve risks, unlike running which is recommended for those who are already trained. The results come and can come quite quickly if you train often, but walking can also be completely ineffective if you make mistakes that are unfortunately very common. Let’s see what they are.

Losing weight by walking the 5 mistakes to avoid
Brisk walking is really weight loss, but sometimes it doesn’t work because trivial mistakes are made
L‘physical activity, such as brisk walking, is important for weight control. Because it helps burn calories. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 extra calories per day. Of course, the more you walk and the faster your pace, the more calories you will burn. But you have to beware of some mistakes which are very common.
It is not walking that really makes you lose weight, even if walking is still good, but only fast walking, really fast, will make you lose weight in a reasonable time. Walking slowly is good only at the beginning, when, gradually, you try to recover some physical fitness, but then you have to accelerate and to lose weight it is recommended to reach a speed between 4 and 6 km / h depending on your body and in detail of the starting height and weight. The ideal, then, is to alternate sections at a very fast pace with sections at a slightly slower pace: in this way you burn more fat and accelerate the metabolism.
Losing weight by walking the 5 mistakes to avoid
1 Walking in company it is certainly more fun, but if you want to lose weight it is not recommended, unless the person accompanying you does not have the same exact physique and the same state of form. Also, being in company, you get distracted more, you tend to talk and waste your breath, so you can’t walk really fast. Even the dog can be a distraction, so if you have a goal to reach in a short time, it is better that you train alone and that you stay focused, perhaps helping yourself with a pedometer to keep under control the speed and progress you are making. If you need company, a playlist with very upbeat songs can be your best ally.
2 Walk immediately after eating it is not recommended because it takes away your energy. Your body is busy digesting and you will have less desire to walk fast. It is good to let a few hours pass between the last meal and the walk, in order to be strong, but adequately reactive.
3 Another mistake you make is to look for places where walking is “simple” to be able to walk quickly. Maybe a nice athletics track … Instead, the ideal is also to tackle some uphill sections in order to work the muscles of the legs and buttocks more. In addition, the climb makes you burn even more calories.
4 Even if you did everything right, you walked at least three times a week for an hour at a brisk pace, everything can be thwarted or at least the weight loss process can be slowed down if you eat too much when you get home!
5 The power supply it must be healthy and balanced, give you the energy you need to go through your workouts, but the fact that you are training does not mean that you can eat more than usual. Remember that to lose weight you need a calorie deficit that is, you have to consume more calories than you consume with food.

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Losing weight while walking: the benefits
Keep in mind, however, that losing weight by exercising does not necessarily mean weighing less, but becoming more toned, having more lean mass and less fat mass, so the scales are not your judge, but if you do everything right, the results will be seen.
Among the most common mistakes there is also that of thinking that walking a lot is enough to lose weight. Physical activity is an important aid, but the first cut must be done at the table. You have to follow a diet to lose weight. Maybe following the Mediterranean diet that offers benefits or other diets that allow us to remove excess pounds

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