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the boy was 4 years old Photo

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TRENTO – The bodies of a woman and her 4-year-old son were found on the bed of the Noce stream at the foot of the Mostizzolo bridge in Val di Sole. The mother Veronica…

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TRENTO – I corpses of one donna he was born in son Of 4 years were found on bed of the Noce stream at the foot of the Mostizzolo bridge in Val di Sole. Mother Veronica Amistadi he was 41 years old, he was from Roncone, in the upper Chiese valley. According to an initial reconstruction, the mother would have jumped from the Mostizzolo bridge, about 90 meters high from the underlying waters, together with the child. The carabinieri of the Cles company are investigating.

Corpses discovered in Val di Sole

The alarm went off tonight, around one o’clock, after a motorist had noticed a car with its side lights on near the bridge. In the search operations, in addition to the carabinieri, the Trento fire brigade, mountain rescue, medical personnel and air rescue were used. But only at first light today, even with the help of a helicopter and the fire brigade, were the corpses. The woman’s identity was reconstructed thanks to the documents found on the car. Finding the bodies in the gorge was very complicated and it was also necessary to involve the mountain rescue specialists.

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The Suicide Bridge

The Mostizzolo bridge, about fifty kilometers from the capital, rebuilt several times starting from the 19th century, is unfortunately known for the numerous cases of suicides: after the war, the current version in reinforced concrete with a span of almost 600 meters and a height of 90.The bridge overlooks a gorge through which the Noce flows before flowing into the lake of Santa Giustina. The road bridge, which joins the Val di Non state road 43 with the Tonale and Mendola state road 42, is flanked by the railway bridge of the Trento-Malé-Mezzana railway.

Find help

With “Sos Suicides” anyone can ask for and receive support and psychological help to deal with difficult moments that can occur in the course of existence. Here are the numbers you can contact to get help in case of need, from a simple chat to relieve a moment of loneliness to real psychological support for the most difficult cases: Telephone Amico Whatsapp on 345/0361628 Telephone Azzurro 1.96.96 Progetto InOltre 800.334 .343 De Leo Fund 800.168.678. Telephone Amico Italia: 02 2327 2328 or via the web at www.telefonoamico.net.

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