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the discovery of a study on mice

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the discovery of a study on mice

This study on mice has disproved the theory according to which during sleep the brain disposes of the toxins accumulated within it more quickly. On the contrary, it seems that during wakefulness the brain is more active and is able to eliminate them faster than during sleep. These findings could give a new impetus to research into the causes of dementia.

Between most common recommendations to feel good there is that of get enough sleep. In addition to having negative consequences on our well-being in the short term, some sleep disorders can in fact favor our well-being in the long run cognitive impairment. Here we leave you an in-depth look at the good rules to implement to reduce the risk of dementia.

According to a now commonly accepted explanation, sleep is so important for brain health because it is able tointensify clearance activitiesthat is disposal of toxins accumulated inside it during the day. Now, for the first time, onestudio it seems disprove this theoryrevealing rather than the fundamental disposal capacity of the brain may remain unchanged. Indeed, in mammals the brain could even eliminate more toxins during waking hours and sleeping hours.

The study on the brain of mice

A group of researchers from multiple institutes – including theImperial College London and the Dementia Research Institute – wanted to verify the brain’s disposal capacity during sleep through experiments on laboratory mice. To do this she injected into their brains a fluorescent dye and observed the brain’s reaction. Specifically, the researchers used this substance because it was clearly visible and allowed them to study how quickly the liquid moved from the cavities where it was injected to other areas of the brain.

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The researchers expected to see confirmation of the theory according to which sleep would favor the elimination of toxins, but the results of the study have completely failed to meet their expectations. As stated in the report published on Nature Neurosciencethe study revealed that the so-called brain clearance appeared reduced by 30% in sleeping mice and by 50% in mice under anesthesia, compared to the hours they were awake.

Why sleep is important for health

Although the study was only carried out on mice, the researchers think that the results could also be valid for humans, given the fundamental role that sleep plays for all mammalian species.

The results of this research indeed they do not deny the value of sleep at allwhose health benefits they are multiple and concern different spheres of an individual’s well-being. However, what has been discovered could provide new insights into research on the relationship between sleep and risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s. A link between sleep quality and neurodegenerative disease in fact it exists, however – explain the authors – it has not yet been established whether lack of sleep is a cause or simply an early symptom of dementia.

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