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The doctors we should consult every year for prevention

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The doctors we should consult every year for prevention

Every year you promise to consult some doctors to prevent and reduce all the risk factors that can lead to diseases, especially chronic ones, but in the end you never do. That’s why this list can help you.

Doctors (Adobe Stock)

The salute it is the first thing to safeguard, but it is not always easy to do so. A busy life and busy schedules certainly don’t help, that’s why we often forget to visit routine which we should do every year.

Also because time really flies, it’s not just a saying. And in the blink of an eye we find ourselves on December 31st with a year behind us and insufficient visits.

A list of the main ones may therefore be useful to you medici that you should consult at least once a year to avoid problems of various kinds, especially chronic diseases. Let’s see what they are.

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Doing prevention: here are the doctors to consult every year

consult specialists to prevent
Analysis laboratory (Pixabay)

Most of us only go to the doctor when we have a problem, yet experts recommend periodic checks because prevention is the best medicine. Preventing a disease, in fact, greatly increases the chances of diagnosing the problem early. And this can make a difference in many cases, especially when serious illnesses are at stake.

Among the diseases that can be diagnosed with constant checks are high cholesterol, stroke, heart attack, eating and hormonal disorders, diabetes and in some cases even cancer. Not bad right? So let’s see which specialists you should contact at least once a year to practice preventive medicine.

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If you have children, the pediatrician always comes first. It would be good to have the children examined by the pediatrician 3-5 days after birth and then at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months. Subsequently, the time expands to 15, 18 and 30 months. Only from the age of 3 can the child begin to have his routine check-up every year. These checks are important because here the pediatrician analyzes the vital parameters through a plastic device with which he is able to measure the heartbeat, temperature and oxygen level. The baby is also weighed for body mass index and the doctor also does a complete check of the heart, lungs, ears, eyes and skin.

Another doctor we must go to at least once a year is dentist, to do a general cleaning and a check. In this way the dentist will also be able to advise you if your cleaning is thorough or not and possibly give you some advice. Me too’ophthalmologist it is of fundamental importance, also because many ophthalmological conditions can arise silently and create serious and sometimes irreversible damage. That is why it is good to have an eye examination at least once a year.

Even the dermatologist he is an important figure, because he is able to solve problems related to the skin, such as psoriasis, rosacea, acne and other skin changes related to aging. Especially if there has been a history of cardiovascular disease in the family, it is a good idea to visit a cardiologist at least once a year to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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Finally, the last doctor to consult each year is the gynecologist for women andurologist For the men. Women should make a first visit between the ages of 13 and 15 and then go annually. From the age of 25 it is also better to perform a cytology. This is a test in which the gynecologist extracts cells from the cervix to detect precursor lesions of cervical cancer or vaginal infections. In the case of men, however, when they do not feel any discomfort, they can consult a urologist for the first time even after the age of 45 or 50.

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The main reason for seeing this specialist is for the prevention of prostate cancer. From the age of 40, women must have a mammogram every year and men periodic examinations of the prostate.

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