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The formidable fruit that in addition to giving energy and vitality facilitates digestion, improves cardiovascular health and performs a fat burning action

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The formidable fruit that in addition to giving energy and vitality facilitates digestion, improves cardiovascular health and performs a fat burning action

Some foods are considered as real natural energizers, especially useful when with the arrival of spring they begin to feel tired and drowsy.

To feel more vital and face the day in the best possible way, you must necessarily start with a good and healthy breakfast.

There are many energy-giving foods that are ideal for eating in the morning, such as eggs, oatmeal, nuts and all those protein-rich foods.

As well as oranges, bananas, avocados and papayas. The latter is the formidable fruit that in addition to giving energy and vitality but also has other benefits.

It represents one of the tastiest and healthiest tropical fruits to eat.

Food rich in nutrients with many health benefits and often recommended in healthy and balanced diets.

The formidable fruit that in addition to giving energy and vitality facilitates digestion, improves cardiovascular health and performs a fat burning action

Papaya is a concentrate of vitamins A, C and E as well as potassium, magnesium, folic acid, carotenes and flavonoids that help protect the body from cellular aging.

Fruit very similar to melon, with orange-colored pulp, sweet and fragrant, consisting largely of water, therefore also carrying out draining and diuretic actions.

The whole or chopped seeds of this exotic fruit can also be eaten after washing and drying them in the sun.

Papaya thanks to the papain enzyme improves digestion and is very useful for those suffering from gastric problems.

The amount of fiber contained in the fruit can promote intestinal regularity, fight constipation and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Papaya helps metabolize proteins by stimulating digestion and aiding the weight loss process.

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Process that is stimulated thanks to the presence of the papain enzyme which, by breaking down and breaking down proteins, will make digestion easier.

In fact, it is advisable to start or finish a meal by eating this fruit which will prolong the sense of satiety.

Papaya can be eaten plain for breakfast, as a snack to start the day with energy, as an after meal or as a snack.

It lends itself very well to the preparation of excellent and tasty extracts, smoothies or to dress salads.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the eating habits and any intolerances of our readers and for this reason it is recommended to consult your doctor about foods that could cause damage to your health. In any case it is strongly It is recommended to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities that can be consulted WHO”)

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