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The inflammatory pain and the energy metabolism

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The inflammatory pain and the energy metabolism

Bioresonance editorial team explains new findings on pain

Inflammatory pain and energy metabolism / editorial team bioresonanz-zukunft.de

Lindenberg, May 8, 2024. Recent scientific findings show: there is a connection between inflammatory pain and energy metabolism. The Bioresonance editorial team summarizes the approaches.

The new scientific findings on inflammatory pain

Researchers at Heidelberg University have discovered how inflammatory pain in the spinal cord activates genetic information. They identified a previously unknown connection to sugar metabolism.

It was shown that during inflammatory pain, a gene involved in sugar metabolism is increasingly activated in astrocytes, which are responsible for supplying nerve cells. This leads to an increase in sugar reserves. The researchers suspect that this covers the increased energy needs of neighboring nerve cells as they prepare for sustained pain.

The discovery could provide new insights into the connection between inflammatory pain and energy metabolism, including for possible therapeutic approaches to chronic pain.

(Source: Energy boost for persistent inflammatory pain? Heidelberg University Hospital, Science Information Service (idw))

Pain therapy with bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt

Energy metabolism also plays a central role in bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. There is even an extensive program with numerous frequency spectrums that are related to energy metabolism.

The positive effects that therapy with such frequencies can have was confirmed in a study: proof of effectiveness of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt.

Important note: Bioresonance belongs to the field of empirical medicine. Classical medicine has neither accepted nor recognized the effect of bioenergetic vibrations.

The editorial team at www.bioresonanz-zukunft.de regularly publishes current information about bioresonance. From the background to the possible applications, with numerous reports directly from the practicing practices. But also about advances in science.

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bioresonanz-zukunft, M+V Medien- und Verlagsservice Germany UG (limited liability)
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