Home » the new formulations allow you to better calibrate the dosage of drugs

the new formulations allow you to better calibrate the dosage of drugs

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the new formulations allow you to better calibrate the dosage of drugs

L’infertility in Italy it involves almost 1 in 6 people. Among the causes of this phenomenon, theincrease in the age of future parents and the poor ovarian reserve in women, i.e. the number of follicles still present in the ovaries. Thanks to scientific progress, today we can count on various treatment options that allow us to personalize the approach to ovarian stimulation, increasing the probability of pregnancy and, at the same time, minimizing the risks of these therapies.

Ovarian stimulation: the new formulations allow you to better calibrate the dosage of drugs

«Having new formulations that are versatile in terms of administration meets the need, strongly felt by women, to be able to count on therapies that are easy to handle and self-administer, thus increasing adherence to treatment. In this way it is also possible to calibrate the dosage of the drug with great precision based on specific individual needs” he explains Adolfo Allegrapresident
national of Cecos Italia (Oocyte and sperm conservation centres).

To promote ovarian stimulation, a new formulation is available menotropinthe active ingredient for the treatment of fertility disorders, more versatile in terms of administration and which allows the dosage of the drug to be precisely calibrated based on the specific individual needs of patients.

The increase in infertility highlights the urgent need to make Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA) procedures more accessible and to ensure high-quality treatments for those who need them. According to recent estimates, from 2012 to 2022 there has been a 73% increase in the use of ART techniques, with almost 4 out of 100 births obtained with assisted procreation. In particular, in vitro fertilization with transfer of embryos into the uterus (IVF) remains the most used technique, rising from 37% to 48% in ten years.

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Medically Assisted Reproduction procedures should therefore be more accessible. The introduction of Medically Assisted Procreation in the Essential Levels of Assistance (LEA) marks an important step forward to guarantee equal access to these procedures, but this possibility has unfortunately been postponed to January 2025. «A postponement that weighs particularly heavily in the of reproductive medicine, where the time factor plays a crucial role in the probability of success of treatments, at least for those couples who are approaching these paths already at an advanced age” he warns Luca Mencagliapresident of the PMA Foundation.

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