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The Path to Happiness: Strengthening Connections with Others, According to Expert

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The Path to Happiness: Strengthening Connections with Others, According to Expert

Title: The Finnish Approach to Happiness: Strengthening Ties with Others Holds the Key

Subtitle: Expert Frank Martel unveils the secrets to Finland’s consistent happiness

Published: 07/08/2023 1:41 p.m.

Strengthening ties with other people is taking a step towards happiness, according to Finnish philosopher and psychologist Frank Martel. After years of research, Martel reveals the foundation of happiness lies in finding one’s purpose or ‘ikigai’, as the Japanese call it – the ultimate meaning of all existence.

Martel’s findings shed light on how Finland has maintained its position as the happiest country in the world for the past six years. In an interview with CNBC, Martel shares five phrases that connect Finns with their authentic happiness, as outlined in his book, ‘A Wonderful Life’.

One of the key aspects highlighted by Martel is the importance of living for oneself, rather than conforming to societal expectations. In Finland, social status is not a primary aspiration, and individuals focus on pursuing activities that bring personal satisfaction, rather than seeking recognition in the eyes of others.

Additionally, Martel emphasizes the significance of having a meaningful job or occupation. Enthusiasm and passion play crucial roles in finding happiness, even in vocational fields. Martel encourages individuals to reflect on what truly makes them happy and excited, and if necessary, make changes in their environment to pursue their authentic desires.

Furthermore, Martel advocates for sharing experiences and knowledge with the community, which leads to a greater sense of harmony and fulfillment. By positively impacting others and practicing generosity, individuals can achieve a state of happiness aligned with their purposes.

Acts of kindness also play a significant role in happiness, according to Martel. He suggests practicing three acts of kindness daily, such as giving up a seat on public transport or providing support to someone in need. Not only does this generate an instant feeling of well-being, but studies have also shown that offering emotional support to others contributes to better physical and mental health in the long run.

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The Finnish tradition of ‘talkoot’ exemplifies the importance of being a good neighbor and working together for the common good. Originally rooted in farm work, modern ‘talkoots’ involve community members voluntarily coming together to undertake projects that improve and enhance their shared environment.

Respecting moments of silence is another hallmark of Finnish happiness. The Finnish proverb, “The word is silver, but silence is gold,” underscores the value placed on quiet contemplation and connection with others. Embracing simplicity, observing nature, enjoying saunas in silence, and practicing meditation techniques all contribute to finding inner peace and reaching the long-awaited happiness.

In conclusion, Finland’s approach to happiness revolves around strengthening ties with others and living in alignment with one’s purpose. By prioritizing personal fulfillment over societal expectations, practicing acts of kindness, collaborating in community projects, and embracing moments of silence, individuals can unlock the path to a fulfilling and happy life.

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