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The Right Snacks for Summer Fitness: Maintaining Energy Levels and Losing Weight

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The Right Snacks for Summer Fitness: Maintaining Energy Levels and Losing Weight

Title: Healthy Snack Options for Weight Loss Revealed by Nutritionist


As summer approaches, our focus on physical fitness intensifies, but it’s important not to neglect our nutritional needs. Snacking in between meals is a common occurrence, even for those following a strict diet. The question arises: should we resist temptation or give in, risking the reversal of our weight loss progress? A nutritionist has the answer and it may be less strict than anticipated.

Maintaining Energy Levels with Well-Chosen Snacks:

A nutritionist suggests that incorporating snacks between meals can help balance energy levels. In fact, choosing the right foods can even aid in weight loss. Recently, a nutrition expert shared valuable snack ideas with high protein and fiber content on TikTok (@emthenutritionist).

Optimal Snacks for Weight Loss:

The nutritionist highlights the importance of selecting foods that are rich in protein and fiber as they contribute to prolonged satiety. Fresh produce with high nutrient content should also be a staple in any well-rounded diet. Here are three snack options that can aid in weight loss:

1. Protein-rich whole-grain toast topped with cottage cheese (or vegan cheese) and avocado.
2. Natural yogurt combined with oatmeal, chia seeds, and frozen berries.
3. Two hard-boiled eggs accompanied by red pepper chunks and lemon.

Common Mistakes Hindering Weight Loss:

If you are diligently following a healthy eating plan but struggling to shed pounds, you may be unknowingly making some mistakes. Dr. Duane Mellor, a nutrition expert, has highlighted three common errors.

1. Lack of Sufficient Protein Intake:

Dr. Mellor emphasizes the significance of consuming enough protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, and chickpeas. Protein not only aids in portion control but also helps prolong feelings of fullness. This combination contributes to long-term weight management.

2. Extremely Restrictive Diets:

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Drastically reducing calorie intake can hinder weight loss progress. Severely restricting food amounts and calories may lead to a reduction in involuntary activity, potentially slowing down weight loss. Additionally, such extreme measures can cause a lack of energy for exercise. Moderation is key, and maintaining an active lifestyle is encouraged.

3. High Calorie Intake from Beverages:

Consuming sugary drinks and sodas can spike hunger levels and disrupt satiety signals, even after a meal. These empty calories can sabotage weight loss efforts. Avoiding such drinks is essential for those aiming to shed pounds.


Incorporating healthy snacks into our daily routines can be beneficial for weight loss as they provide sustained energy and prevent overeating during main meals. By choosing snacks with high protein and fiber content, as well as fresh produce, we can support our weight loss goals. Additionally, it is important to avoid common pitfalls such as inadequate protein intake, overly strict diets, and excessive consumption of high-calorie beverages. Stay attentive to your snacking choices to ensure success on your weight loss journey.

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