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The Role and Challenges of Preventive Medicine and Public Health in Basque Government

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The Role and Challenges of Preventive Medicine and Public Health in Basque Government

Preventive Medicine and Public Health – Profession

Pello Latasa, the responsible for public health surveillance of the Basque Government’s Directorate of Public Health and Addictions, has shed light on the current situation of preventive medicine and public health as a profession.

In an interview, Latasa emphasized the importance of this discipline in safeguarding the health and well-being of the population. He highlighted that preventive medicine is not only about treating diseases, but also about implementing strategies and interventions to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

According to Latasa, public health professionals play a crucial role in advocating for policies that promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles. They work to identify and address the social determinants of health, such as poverty and discrimination, which can significantly impact individuals’ well-being.

He also emphasized the need for continuous surveillance and monitoring of public health indicators to identify emerging health threats and design effective intervention strategies. Latasa stated that this requires collaboration between different sectors and stakeholders, including healthcare providers, policymakers, and the public.

Furthermore, Latasa highlighted the importance of data analysis and research in shaping public health policies and interventions. He stressed the need for evidence-based practices to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and to achieve the best possible health outcomes.

Latasa acknowledged the challenges faced by public health professionals, including limited resources and the varying needs and priorities of different communities. However, he also expressed optimism about the potential for innovation and collaboration to address these challenges and improve public health outcomes.

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In conclusion, preventive medicine and public health play a vital role in promoting and protecting the health of populations. Through collaboration, evidence-based practices, and advocacy, public health professionals aim to create healthier communities and prevent disease and illness before they even occur.

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